Anyone want to share about their local farmer's market? I go to the one in Bedford on Tuesdays occasionally and the one in Salem on Wednesdays. I love getting cheeses, baked goods, veggies and fish (I love the fish lady in Bedford).
Also, I have been growing tomatoes in planters on my deck. I have a chipmunk devouring them as they get even close to ripe. My neighbor said she is having the same problem. I tried sprinkling cayenne pepper on them, to no effect. We tried putting some human hair around the base of the plants (from a recent haircut) this weekend, so we'll see if that works. I've never had a problem with chipmunks going after my tomatoes before. My theory is the drought conditions are forcing them to seek water sources any way they can.
Re: Let's talk produce!
I bought some avacado's at the Whole Foods in Bedford MA, they were firm so I figured they would be good and when I cut them open they were completely brown! It was for a salad for a cookout too so I had to go out and buy more.
I heard the Nashua farmers market is pretty weak. A few vendors here and there. I like stopping at the farm stands around town too. Lavoies at Haywards in Nashua is the best.