Hey all
Yesterday I received a previous tenant's mail. However this piece of mail I believe is different than usual because "found on the side of highway 26" was printed on the back of the envelope. Inside the envelope, I believe is a soft sided ladies wallet, wherein the address to the past tenant was on a driver's license, etc.- which got mailed to the addressed listed, which is where this person doesn't live and where I live....
I called our landlord to see if he had contact information for her and he said that he was not comfortable giving it out for privacy and security purposes, but that he tried to call the number he had on file for her and it was disconnected. So, I found her name through yellow pages and tried calling and it was disconnected.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to locate a person to return something like this?
Would it be weird to post on Craigslist or other online sources? I don't know what to do but I want to get it to her...
Re: Lost & Found returned to me, but it's not mine...
I would give it to the police station or the DMV and let them take it from there.
Years ago I lost my car keys, and they were missing for several months, and then one day, they were in my mailbox! My "Haggens" grocery card had my address on it, so they tracked me with that. I was SO grateful that someone took the time to get my keys back to me!
And, what kind of asshat gives this post two stars? Fuccking loser.