he is doing so well, momma is so proud! He grew two inches since June, but he is still a bit short, in the 25th %ile, weight was 19lb 2 oz, also about 25th%ile. He continues to have a huge head - 95th%ile. She was happy with his eating and babbling. She didn't ask about crawling, but he is still doing the belly crawl mostly. he gets up on his knees and can rock, but when its time to move, he's back to his belly.
Our big convo was about sleeping. She recommended that we CIO and she gave us a handout. We tried it tonight and he fell asleep after 35 minutes. I checked on him once. I am really happy, now what to do about night wakings. I don't think I am ready to tackle those tonight too.
I am gonna try to attach a cute photo or two cuz I feel like AWing!!
4 months
9 months
a shot of his chompers! I know it looks like torture, but its so hard to get a shot of the top teeth!
Re: Owen had his nine month appt today