At work my boss went over my head and hired a 18 yo preggers girl as a grooming assistant. She was 7 months pregnant at the time and so all she could do is sit and answer phones.
Fast forward 3 months and she has her baby and comes back to work. Now that she is fully released from her doctor to work, she thinks all she has to do is answer phones like before. Even though I have told her many times that once she is released she will be expected to work.
She has been late an hour or more to work on several occasions and is now close to termination if she is late one more time. I gave her her final write up yesterday, and her response was "so if I am going to be late I might as well not show up?"
I don't get it. She is a new Mom and you would think that she would want to work to support her baby, but I guess not. Her Dad is making her take more responsibility for her baby and all she does is complain about him while she is at work.
Yesterday I had a new groomer start and our assistant was asking the new girl if it is hard to get a job at Petsmart. Seriously?
To top it all off I found out she is posting things on her facebook about how hard she works. Totally cracked me up when I seen that.
Re: **rant**