We're going on a road trip and spending the first and last nights of the trip in Chicago.
Night one: staying at the Doubletree Northshore in Skokie, across the street from Old Orchard Mall. I'm assuming this night we'll just eat at the mall and wander around. My main concern is traffic. We'll be coming in on I-94 from Milwaukee (never driven this route as we usually come in from Madison, but Google Maps suggests it as it is closer to Skokie). Unfortunately we'll be arriving during rush hour on a Friday night (about 6 pm). Any tips on avoiding heavy areas or detours we could take? How bad will it be coming into the city?
ETA: there is the option of taking the toll 1-94 when you enter IL or the non-toll 41 to Skokie. Which is better?
The last night we have booked the Hilton Chicago downtown (priceline so no choice of location really). We are going to a Cubs game at 7 pm. I'd like to hit a great local place for dinner- either by our hotel or, more likely, in Wrigleyville. Suggestions? Also, where to go after the game- a nightclub or bar- hopefully closer to our hotel since I don't want to take the train back too awfully late. Last time we did the touristy Dead Goat for our last call.
Finally, when we leave the Hilton on Wednesday morning- will traffic still be bad going OUT of the city?
Thanks for all the advice!!
Re: Two nights visiting chicago- Q's re: dining and traffic
Hello again. I responded to your Travel board post, but I think I may have been late.
If you have an iPhone or other moble device, be sure to use the google maps traffic feature. Depending on how traffic is, you can get to Skokie either by:
1) Taking 94 straight in, or
2) Taking 294 to Golf Rd, and taking Golf Road east to the Old Orchard area.
I would not recommend 41.
Chances are, 94 will be better, but if you see as you're driving in that it's a nightmare, you have that option available to you. If you're arriving at 6pm or later, traffic on a friday rush hour shouldn't be that bad in that area.
Which Hilton are you staying at? "Mag Mile," "Palmer House" or the one on Michigan Ave (south of the river?) How much are you looking to spend on dinner before the Cubs game? Wrigley has tons of restaurants and bars. I know you don't want to take the train back too late, but Wrigley would really be the best place for nightlife/bar scene. Depending on where you are Downtown, I may suggest Ditka's as well, but it won't be as hopping.
Train ride to Wrigley from South Loop... not counting wait time at the track.. probably about 15 min ish.
The S. Michigan Hilton is actually right next to a Lou Malnatis restaurant, and I don't see how you can possibly go through Chicago without enjoying deep dish pizza.
Some people say Giordanos is better than Lou's... I think they're both great.
Also Downtown:
If you're looking for a Pub: I really like the Exchequer (http://www.exchequerpub.com/ ) which won't be too far from your hotel. They're open to midnight on Saturdays. Typical pub food. There's also an Elephant & Castle pub (a little nicer place) on Adams not to far from that, but I don't know what their hours are.
For Burgers: Boston Blackies. It's a little out of the way but the one on Monroe and Canal has a really nice outdoor eating area.
If you're looking for something a little nicer, take a short cab ride or take the El north of the river. There's a nice Cheesecake Factory in the John Hancock building, and a Ditka's steakhouse not too far from it. Maggianos is also on the north side. If you're looking for Sushi, I enjoy Kamehaci (a few blocks east of Michigan and Ontario).
DH and I really like Johnny O'hagans (http://www.johnnyohagansirishpub.com/) and no matter what others may say, Cubbie Bear (http://www.cubbybear.com/). If you're going to do this pre-game, get there EARLY. These places pack up before a game.
I know that route all too well--Mad-town native who attended NU.
Don't do the 294 thing. If you're going to take I-94, just take I-94--Old Orchard is right off the Edens.
Make sure you take the 894 bypass around Milwaukee, though, because there's construction downtown. Traffic is going to really, really suck, so don't expect anything different. Just be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't.
I would give the trip to Wrigley 45 minutes at the least--the train is longer than 15 minutes, especially from that side of the Loop.
What day are you going to the game? It is true that the red line from downtown to wrigley is about 15 min without wait time. However, if its a weeknight game, the el tends to be much more crowded, sometimes having to wait until the next train to get on depending on what stop you are at. I take the redline from the loop to Wrigleyville/Lakeview every weeknight and sometimes it can take up to 30 min for the train ride. I usually allow 45 min for the commute (including my walk to the el station and any possible delays I might encounter because of trains packed with cubs fans.)
I agree that especially if its a weeknight game, the night life after the game will be better in Wrigleyville- there's a ton of bars right around the field. I like Vines- they have a huge patio and a rooftop. If you want a good burger- Dark Horse has really good ones, and they are not usually as packed as some of the other bars. Rockit Bar & Grill is a trendier place that also has good burgers, but they are more expensive.
TTC since Feb 2012
Diagnosed with PCOS and anovulation
2 round clomid 1 round femara--no response
1st round injectables/IUI 1/31---BFP!