I'm contemplating switching to another OBGYN practice. Although I love the individual doctor I utilize at my current practice (it took trying several of the NP's and Doctors before I fell in love with him), I don't like the office as a whole and feel like a number at a large cattle herd. Everyone I know uses this practice and has mixed reviews. Plus the office is on the other side of the metro area from me, and my fav doc doesn't go out to their satillite branch (which is closer to work/home for me). I don't like any of the NP's or Dr's at the mega-office's satillite branch. Getting an appointment requires a 9-month+ notice, so changing the time of an appointment is a royal PITA. My love doctor probally has it made since he doesn't have to be on-call alot since there are many doctors to share coverage with and he doesn't have to deal with as much of the "running a business" aspect compared to those who have their own practice. I wish he would open his own practice.
Are there any OBGYN's that offer evening or weekend appointments? Or is this something that doesn't exist, no matter what state your doctor is in? I really hate having to take a 1/2 day off for the yearly and don't look forward to all the time off I will need to take whenever I get KU (and we are not talking about the time off needed after baby). There is an abundance of OBGYNs here in Peoria due to the U of I med school and the residency program at OSF... so lots of OBGYNs seem to want to stay in the area when they are done. One would think this would not be an issue to find a great doc with good hours.
Just thinking ahead here. My yearly is not scheduled for another 7 months.