Since we have all been together for it seems a long time and you've been here to hear about my ups, downs, and all arounds with school, work, etc... I thought I would get your thoughts.
I will graduate in May with my Masters of Public Health. While I am not unhappy where I am now I can see that I may want a change once I graduate. We have talked about moving and I would be interested in that but I also really like Indianapolis and feel like we are close to family and friends and the places we are looking at moving (DC or Atlanta) offer great job oppurtunities for us both but are farther away and far away from family and friends and we all know its tough to make friends the older you get, etc...
I guess my concern is if we stay here what are my options? Will I be able to find a job? The nice thing about public health is that there are loads of different possibilities and routes you can take; infection control at hospitals, community health education, pharma, health related non-profits, etc... but its also such a small world and really tiny in IN. so what if I screw up and no one wants to hire me? Or someone doesn;t like me and I get "black listed" or I can't find things I'm interested in?
I just don't know.. I guess I'm babbling... I get conflicting feelings from my gut, stay, go, I dunno.. any wisdom is very much appreciated.
Re: I need thoughts from my nesties...
Hi Ericka -
I an see how you can be ambivalent about this...HH and I moved to IN from MA last October, and it was a big decision to pick up and leave friends and family behind, There was lots of conflicting emotions, pros and cons to moving or staying...obviously we took the leap and moved, which has been great for us.
I don't know what your job opportunities would be if you stayed here in IN - I'm not sure what the job market is like for Public Health. You say the community here is small, but do you know how viable it would be for you to get a job? Your first job out of grad school is probably not going to be the last job you ever have, and it may not be your dream job, but it's a starting point to get good experience.
I am wondering why you feel you could "screw up" and get blacklisted? I read your STD articles in indianapolis Woman a couple months back and thought they were great
I don't know you very well, but I doubt you could screw something up that much that no one would want to hire you! And if Public Health is anything like social work (what I do), the community is pretty small wherever you go!
You wrote that there are lots of opportunities in Atlanta and DC - have you spent any time in either place? A huge factor for us in moving to IN was the cost of living - both Atlanta and DC are a lot more expensive than IN.
Maybe you and DH could make a list of pros/cons to staying or moving, or take a couple of weekend trips to Atlanta and DC to see if either place "fits" you, or start looking in earnest at the job market here to see if it's viable for you. Part of it depends on how adventurous you and your DH are - some people couldn't bear to move away from friends and family, others like the excitement and challenge of trying something else. Only you know that about yourself...
Anyways, I think I rambled far longer than you, and it was your post
Good luck and keep us updated!
Indy has such a strong healthcare job market, so I think it would benefit you to stay, especially since it may be harder to find jobs in another metro area where your school may be less well known than the locals (this is from personal experience).
However, you're talking to the girl who up and moved 800 miles away to Dallas and am LOVING it! Sure, I miss my family and friends, but this is a great place for us, we love it, we've made new friends and I needed a change of scenery.
I would just weigh the pros and cons and see which wins out, because some things may mean more to you, or carry more weight than others. For example, moving away from family would be a con for most people, but it may carry more weight for you than it would for me. I guess it's just a very personal decision but... IMHO it's good for you to get out of your comfort zone a bit and experience a new life or new adventure in another city (to broaden horizons and such).