Los Angeles Nesties
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$%^#$@*! Elephants for neighbors!
Aparently it doesn't matter what time of the day/night, my neighbors above us stomp around like a herd of elephants. Even at 3am, they are running a marathon in their master bdrm. It already sucks having to go to the bathroom at 3am. But once I'm back in bed, I can't go back to sleep b/c they have feet of lead. I thought I could maybe catch a little break since I'm home early. Guess not!!! Stomp stomp stomp creeeeaaak creeeeaak!
The evil side of me wishes I knew when they slept. I would so go downstairs to the lobby and lay my happy little finger into the door buzzer. It would blare through their entire apartment. 
Re: $%^#$@*! Elephants for neighbors!
you could respond by banging your broomhandle on your ceiling.
Maybe that would let them know how loud they're being. LOL.
I do like your door buzzer idea. :-)
Do they have hardwood floors? If so - there are acoustic laws that might bed on your side.
Have you tried talking to them? Pull the prego card!!!
I would love to bang on the ceiling, but our ceiling has that popcorn crap. I did that once last week and got it all in my hair and face. And I didn't even bang loud enough.
No, no hardwood floors. All the units have carpet.
We had that same problem when we were in an appt. They were putting together futons at 2am (BAM) for 20 minutes until my husband finally went up there and talked to them. It turned out they were a tiny Asian couple (maybe 100 lbs between the two of them) and they always walked bare-foot and heels first.
The final straw was when they put an tread-mill in their living room and would run for 60 minutes every evening. We moved a week later and was only in the place for 2.5 weeks!
Sorry you have to deal with that. I hate not getting sleep. Have you tried putting a fan in your room to help drown out the walking and create some white noise? That is the only way I got through college.
I remember coming home from the hospital all drugged up at 3:30am. I was laying there and I heard all this moaning and groaning from below. I thought I was just out of it until my husband started laughing. No kidding, 30 seconds later you could hear the shower turn on, and 2 minutes after that their front door closed. Eeew!