So DH and I are driving down to LA this weekend to see my Sis and her H, and to celebrate my niece's fourth birthday with them. Really, it's an excuse to hang out and spend some time with them, since we haven't seen them in a while, but regardless, it'll be fun.
We're staying with Sis's H's aunt (older: about 70ish?), who lives right nearby and has a MIL unit in her basement. I've stayed there before and it's a really cute little setup, and she always makes sure we have a clean bathroom, etc. I really love this (quasi) aunt - she's supersweet.
Here's my question - everytime I've stayed with her before (pre-H), I sent flowers when I left as a thank you. I feel that's getting a bit "old" right now and I want to send her something else, but I don't know what. It needs to be orderable online, since we'll probably order it from the road the day we leave, and not too pricey, but something that will send the, "we loved staying with you and thank you so much for your kind hospitality" message.
Any advice or recommendations?
Re: Gift for a hostess
What about making her a basket of assorted muffins or breads?
Or a giftcard to her favorite restaurant?
Whenever my whole family drives to visit my grandma (mom, dad, 2 sisters, DH, and I), we end up staying with one of her really close friends that lives nearby and has a similar setup and is also in her 70's. She loves to go out and eat with her friends, so we usually leave her a couple of giftcards to her favorite restaurants. Plus, she has really bad arthritis so DH usually helps fix some stuff around her house while we are there as well.