I posted earlier about MIL asking me and dh to check out a "breeder" that she was looking at purchasing a puppy from. I had an idea that this place was shady and boy were my feelings confirmed!
We got there and everything seemed ok at first. The mothers (they had 2 current litters) and pups were housed inside in seperate areas of the home. The mothers were beautiful and well taken care of and the pups looked healthy.
Things took a dive when we went outside to the "kennels". They had no less than 20 dogs in dog runs in the back yard. The dogs were filthy, their fur was matted, they had very little shade and nothing to keep them entertained. The dogs were begging to get out of their cages and seemed to be unsocialized. It still makes me sad to think about even 5 hours later!
As we were leaving I made the mistake of asking how long they've been breeding. 23 years! OMG I can't imagine the 1000's of puppies that have come from those cages. The thought just makes me sick.
I called MIL and dh and I both told her about the conditions of those poor dogs. I really hope she listens to us and doesn't purchase a puppy from these people!
Re: Even worse than I imagined!
hi jenn,
WOW, 20 dogs in one run?????
Or did they have their own run?
Poor doggies!!!!!!!!
There were different sized pens. Some pens were about 5x10 with only 1 dog in them and other pens were much larger with 2-4 dogs in them.
Keeping dogs outside in temps that can easily reach 120 is just cruel and even more so when they have long, thick coats. Unfortunately, they are within the law though as the dogs do have some shelter and food and water.