y'all....i mean....p.a.r.a.n.o.i.d....BAD!
i guess i didn't pay much attention to the pile that would be on my new rug...LOL...i just knew i had to have it right? well, it turns out, that it is perfect for my dining room....it matches my curtains and everything perfectly....HOWEVER, the rug is kind of similar to berber as far as the pile goes...and well, Monkey loves to claw at the berber carpet we have in our bedrooms.... omg
terrified right now
i had an extra scratching post thingy that she likes (she likes the cardboard like ones that lie flat since she can't really stand and claw like a normal cat), so i put that out last night on the rug, and i sat with her and kind of watched her..... but i know it is coming
declawing is not an option...but i am considering those soft paws caps....and of course i keep her nails cut and all.....
STRESS....i just needed to vent really... LOL but yeah, i was late to work today because i was busy watching her LOL...
Re: paranoid about my cat and my new rug!!!!
scarrrry If worse comes to worst, could you do baby gates or something along those lines?
In similar pet-related news, Bogart laid down in my palette while I was painting last night... omg. I caught him before he could do too much damage or lay down in it completely, but he laid in some green paint and now looks like he has gangrene.
no...it wasn't cheap...but it is perfect!!! LOL
the only thing i worry about keeping her from in there is that her little perch is in there now, and she loves it...and there is really no where else to put it...and i would hate to keep her from something she loves and enjoys....
i just wrote darrien, to see what her advice would be.... god!
LOL @ Tink and the caves... I know that's probably really annoying, but I think it's cute. I love how cats love small cavelike spaces. My mom's cat sleeps on the bottom shelves of her end tables, and knocks stuff out of it if she puts anything down there.
have you thought about keeping water in a little spray bottle and spraying her when she walks into the dining room? You can put it on mist so it's not distressful or whatever, just irritating. That's what the vet told us to do with our cat when she claws the furniture.
yeah...we have disciplined her with that technique before...although i don't know how effective it has been....she does squint her face up when we pull out any kind of spray bottle... LOL
Cats are really gremlins in cute little fur suits. LOL
Tink loves to climb and to explore those now open caves...She's still very kitten like. Good luck with Darrien...I texted her last night and she was in bed with a severe migraine. She's not sleeping much these days though so maybe she will answer soon.
Oh no!! Poor lil monkey just wants to flex his paws, yet the new rug IS NOT the place to do it, LOL.
I would do what pp's have suggested, the little paw covers and baby gates would probably work well.
Wouldn't her little perch fit well in the laundry room?...I believe I remember a window there.
her perch COULD go in the laundry room, but her litter box is there, and most cats don't like to have their lounge space by their litter area....
damn picky animals... LOL
brandon has laid down tin foil all over the rug...and says it looks like a space ship now... LOL
I'm sorry, I'm laughing at the thought of foil all over your dining room...she might actually like the crinkly noise foil makes...then again she might wrap herself up in it and play Christmas Turkey...LOL