My friend Tracy gave me a lovely gift for my recent wedding. It's a modern version of the traditional kind of wedding album that my mother keeps in her living room. Instead of hard copy photographs, she had the photographs printed into a hardbound book. So it basically looks like a professional portfolio book of my wedding! Not only was the book stunning, but it allowed me to ask her to print more copies for my family and friends, and not have to lug around the HUGE kind of wedding book that my Mom has. It'll last forever!
I promise Trace that I'd give her a little shout out here on thenest, so if you're interested in this idea, e-mail her company! Here's another one of the weddings she's done!:
Re: Newly Married and a Great Gift Idea
These have been around for years. Plus, no one is going to buy anything some random idiot posted on a nest message board.
Our Share of the Harvest:How a couple cooks from a CSA share. Pick Up Day Week 15
You're a moron if this was the most original advertising idea you had.
Spamming on multiple wedding boards? I hope develop a better business sense, otherwise you need to find new work b/c you're going to have a big fail.