NO, this is not for myself. We are trying to get pregnant.
I just had the most akward conversation with my youngest cousin. She is apparently having sex (this is good news because we thought she was gay) anyway, she is practicing the pull out method (not smart) and since she dosn't have her license can't get to the pharmacy for Plan B so she called me. I told her I'd get her some and some condoms. Apparently this happened 2 days ago and didn't know what to do. She dosn't want to talk to her mom because shes scared to.(my moms side are polish and not very warm and loving) Shes 19 so I told her if shes old enough to have sex than she needs to an adult and be smart.
So the question is how do I go about obtaining Plan B.
How bad would it suck if another cousin had an unplanned pregnancy when we've been trying for 18 months with no luck?
Re: Do you know where to get "Plan B"
I had to get it once in college after the condom broke, I got it at Planned Parenthood. That was before they made it available without a prescription though, I think now you can just go to any pharmacy and ask for it.
And to answer your question, that would really suck if she got pregnant while you were trying!!! And honestly, if she keeps using the pull out method, she very well might.
This, honestly i would just take her to the doctor or to planned parenthood and have her get on BCP or use condoms and not use plan b as regular for of BC. I mean i get the point of it and everything and for those OH SH!T momentsit makes sense but not for a regular thing.
I'm at a complete loss as to how her having sex compared to being gay is a good thing.
1 - what does her being gay have to do with anything...?
2 - good to know that unprotected sex is much more acceptable than being gay...
As to your question - if it's been two days, PlanB is most likely not going to be effective. In any case, call up your local pharmacy or planned parenthood - they should be able to tell you where/how to get it.
totally not meant that way nor do I wish to offend anyone so if I did, I apologize
We are gonna have the birds and bees talk and I have told her that I will be taking her to planned parenthood and I am getting her a box of condoms. I do not condone unsafe sex and am going to be there for her.
She orgionally called my mother who is not very understanding at all and she was the one who exclaimed very happily to me that "Samantha is not gay" in all honestly I could care less. Shes my cousin and I love her for her, shes looked up to me her whole life and has had a rough childhood. (i will leave it at that)
Shes the one who requested me to help after my mom had no idea what Plan B was until she asked me. (mom is clueless) I told my cousin I just wish she had called me sooner and that I will do what I can including giving her a ride to the Pharmacy and/or doctor.
yeah this is exactly what i was thinking..
i believe planned parenthood just gives them out. and possibly pharmacies too? i remember seeing a news segment on it...but don't remember exactly what was said, lol. sorry!
Jaye, thanks for saving me the time for typing. I was thinking this exact same thing.
I'm sure someone else said this already but my computer is being funny so I can see all the posts. You can get it at Target, that's the cheapest I've seen.
Also, if it was two days ago she shouldn't take it anymore, you are supposed to take the first pill within 24 hours.
Also, Planned Parenthood is not a place I generally recommend(bad bad experiences and I was only there for the pill) but it may be easier for her to get on the pill or get Pan B there not having a license. I'm pretty sure anywhere she goes to get it for herself she has to have at least proof of her age. Can she not get at least a state ID? The good thing about PP is if she's unemployed or makes under a certain amount she can get condoms and bcp for free.
And just a note, I think its awesome you're helping her out. I had a similar situation of not being able to talk to my mom about sex and birth control and it's a confusing place to be without someone to make sure you're being smart and safe.