Xpost from Entertainment, not sure which board this is more relevant to...
We currently have local digital cable (Brighthouse) and have had a tech out at least 6 times so far this year. Constant 'channel not available' on our HD DVR box. It's so common, it even annoys my husband.
We talked with a Direct TV rep at Sams Club yesterday and looks like we're going to get in a 2 year contract with them. 3 boxes (hd dvr, hd, standard) and choice ultimate where you can record on the hd dvr and watch on any other hd box in the house for $49/month+taxes, no other fees for equipment or anything. It seems like a great deal and she stopped up at the right time. Right now we're paying $130/mo for cable and internet. I think I can get internet for either $50/month with current company or even $20/mo for DSL.
Long story to ask, has anyone used Direct TV or satellite service? Any good stories or complaints? We have until 09/18 when the installers are scheduled to come out to change our mind.
Re: Xpost - Direct TV
a long time ago I used to have satellite. Doesn't work in bad weather that's more than a light sprinkle or flurry. Even high winds knock it out. My H used to install it too, and it sucked from that point of view too. They may say they'll give you good deals, but they normally jack you around and then make you pay per channel for anything extra. It does SEEM like a good deal, but I would definitely read the fine print and make sure you know exactly what you are getting including every channel before you sign anything. Don't ask the installation guy either. They get paid, usually, by the piece meaning they get paid for every little thing they install. It doesn't matter how long they are there for, it matters what they install. So watch out for that too. Also, they know the hardware, not the packages or whatever. So if you have questions about something, I would call and ask the sales reps. I wouldn't go back to satellite even if it was free, but it depends on where you live weather wise and how much you really like to watch tv.
oh, and also they may not be able to install it. They have to find a line of sight, so if your property has any tall trees they'll tell you to cut down the trees at your expense.
Thanks. I'm going to check out the fine print this week. So far, I didn't see anything about On Demand on our form, even though the sales person said 'we have it' must have not meant we're including it in your deal. Their website says it's 1 time $25 fee.
We have fairly decent weather, just a lot of rainy days in the summer and of course hurricanes but we're pretty guarded even being as close to the ocean as we are. They said they wouldn't install without a 99.9% signal strength - we would not cut down trees just to get satellite! That's crazy.
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This is pretty much our exact thoughts on DirecTV as well. We have been very happy with them. Customer service is good. I always have things recorded so when the weather does take something out I just watch a movie or a recorded show. No biggy.
We've had DirecTv about 10 years now and are overall happy. We pay 95.00 a month and have the choice plus package (almost every channel except the movie channels), 2 HD receivers and 2 basic receivers (3 are DVRs). I would assume your price is definitely a promotional rate. You might also check...they were running a buy the NFL Ticket and get 5 months of service free. I think the ticket is around 300, but for us, that would be a big savings.... but, of course, it's only for new customers.
We've had good luck with the coverage too. It rarely goes out in storms.
The only thing that has been irritating me lately is that they won't give us any of the new technology, etc, as existing customer (especially of 10 years) .. the most we've been able to get out of them is a $5 a month credit. I'd really like to have the DVRs that you can watch from any room so I may call them again. Otherwise, they've been fine. Just keep in mind, every time you add a box (or add any equipment or programming), it extends your contract. Something I didn't learn until we moved a year ago.
I'd just try to get as much as you can now as a new customer, because I don't think they cater to their existing customers very well.