Last night we came home from dinner at my IL's to find a disaster in our kitchen. The trash can was tipped over and all over the floor (luckily we'd emptied it earlier yesterday), several cabinet doors were opened, the kitchen towels were pulled off the oven door. The culprit, this little guy...
DH and I were sooo surprised. In the few months we've had him he's never shown this kind of behavior. Since it only was in the kitchen, I think he was just hungry. We switched to a new dog food a few weeks ago and I've noticed that he seems to be hungrier on this food but he hasn't lost any weight. I had made some pulled pork yesterday and I think the smell of the discarded excess fat in the tash combined with being a bit hungry was just too tempting for him. After getting that tasty treat he must have gone on binge to see what else he could find. From what I can tell he ate, the cooked pork fat, a tootsie pop, possibly some vegetable peelings, a bit of sugar cookie mix, a bite of hot chocolate mix, he thought about some marshmellows but apparently they weren't too interesting once he got the bag off of the shelf since he didn't open it. The little guy must have had a sugar high. I've been watching him pretty close but he's not in distress and is still energetic on our walks. His little belly looks pretty full and I've been watching him for signs of bloat but he's a small dog, doesn't have any pain when I feel his belly, and no vomitting. If I hadn't seen the mess I wouldn't know he'd gotten into things he should have. I just hope this doesn't start a habit with him cause he's been so good this far.
Re: Little stinker