Hi Ladies, I normally lurk but have a dilemma and thought you could help.
My husband is trying to throw me a 30th b-day party (obviously not surprise). We are having it at our new house. I have 2 children( ages 8 and 9) as do some of the other people we are inviting. I don't really want a bunch of kids there because then we will have to monitor them and that will distract from the fun. How do we have an adult only b-day party? Would it be bad to have a party as the kids are going to bed (they are good sleepers)?
For the record I am really not happy about turning 30 and this would put a less depressing spin on it since I have never in my life had a birthday party.
Thanks for your help!
Re: How to plan adult only b-day party
I would just let people know that it will be a "grown-up" party.
If your kids are upstairs, or wherever, it's not really anybody's business, as long as they are safe and happy.
I don't have kids, so I don't know how much help I'll be with this, but here's my initial questions/concerns:
1) Could you do it somewhere other than your house? Maybe a bar or someplace where it would be very clear kids weren't really welcome?
2) If you say "no kids," is that going to cause some people not to be able to attend? I know my friends with kids often flip a coin over who gets to go to events -- one goes, one stays home with the little ones. While this works great during "girls' night" or whatever, it can be a bummer for bigger parties when I'd like to be spending time with both halves of the couple!
3) I don't know ettiquette protocol on this. I know with weddings, people on TK and TN tend to faint and then sign up to have you beheaded if you even suggest saying "No Kids" or "Adults Only Reception" on the invitation. For birthday parties, I'm not sure what's "okay" in that regard. Also, you have to consider how you'll handle it if some of your friends DO show up with their kids anyway (sitter cancelled, they didn't get the memo, they forgot, they figured their little darlings were exempt from your request, etc.)
Those are just my reservations. Now, here are some ideas for party planning that might cause people to think "Okay, I can't/don't want my kids to come, we'll have an adults night":
Dirty Thirties - Have a cocktail party; dirty martinis and fancy outfits. Make the invite really elegant and, in the wording, suggest cocktail attire. Go for a heavy apps menu with a signature drink or two.
Casino Night - Do a "grown-up" Vegas theme. Have card games set up on the tables and prizes for the winners. Think Ocean's Eleven rather than The Real World: Las Vegas.
Host a Murder Mystery Party - These are lot more structured and are smaller (usually only 6-8 guests if you buy one of the game boxes), but are definitely "for adults only" since you have to be focused on the game at all times. The themes are fun and you can easily plan decor, costumes, and a menu around it.
Have a "regular" party with a kids area/Hire babysitters - If there is someone else there to watch/entertain the kids, the adults may be more apt to relax and just enjoy the party.
And finally, have fun! Getting over your hangup about turning thirty is really going to be the first step to this party being a success...
Exactly, although to be fair to everyone else, I would try to make arrangements for them to go to a family member or friend's house. But treat it as you would a wedding or any other party and let people know (in the invite) adults only. It's fine...people can get sitters or make arrangements if they're coming.
And, as you can see from the sig, this is coming from someone with a child, so I get that he won't always be invited, and that's okay. Although I love him to pieces, I don't always want him to be everywhere I go, and we have a list of babysitters for just that reason.
It's not your problem, I wouldn't worry about paying a sitter for other peoples' kids, but know that one or two people might decline the invitation due to not being able/willing to find childcare, but that's their problem, not yours.
Hi! Happy B-Day BTW. Its def' OK to have an "adults only" party for sure. (I have two little ones too...) There was another post like this, I'll try to find the link for you, with a nice and direct way to word the invitation so that others wouldn't take offense. If you do that though, I would def' get sitters for your own kids or take them to gramma's house etc. You don't want this fun night to be the one night they act up.
I couldn't find the link... another thought - if you wanted to you could have a "kids time" and have a magician, entertainer etc. come -like from 4-7pm have your cake etc. and then have an "adults only please" after party until whenever. That way couples who can't afford a babysitter can join in the fun and you can still have a really late night grown up type of party. Especially since you haven't ever had a birthday party of your own - it might be nice to have a large group there for your cake. I would let everyone know this is what you are planning on the invite.
Good Luck! and please let us kinow what you do...