I too have a "lawn" of weeds. I have considered using something like Weed B Gone, but am afraid that all I have are weeds and I would end up with a big patch of dirt and nothing to reduce erosion and aborb water (a lot of clay soil). I tried the corn wheat gluten as a pre-emergent last spring and it just seemed to fertilize the weeds...
One of the pp indicated that many of the weeds would die over the winter and this is definitely starting to happen in my yard. I have huge brown patches.
What can I do now to have some type of ground cover for winter and increase my chances of having grass next spring?
Re-sodding is not an option (my yard is too big - approximately 0.75 acres and I'm somewhat cheap).
Re: S/O to Killing Grass and Starting Over
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Hi Alliapistor,
Right now you fertilize your lawn using some weed and feed.. That should help the existing grass grow stronger and kill at least some of the weeds. Next year you will notice a difference after the weeds die off. You have to get the weeds early in the spring with a pre-emergent crabgrass/weed preventer and apply every 4 months so that it doesn't wear off.