So, I ordered a couple pumpkin plants in late spring. But they didn't arrive, my card wasn't charged, and after a few weeks, I forgot about them.
Until the beginning of September, when 2 seedlings showed up at my door without warning. Ummm. What do I do with the poor things? I've been watering them on my windowsill for a couple weeks, trying to decide if I should even bother to plant them. They've got an absolute maximum growing season left of 45 days, and it could ootentially frost next week in my zone. It would be funny to try growing them indoors, but of course I don't have the space, given how huge just the vines get and that they need like 4 feet of vertical soil for taproots.
Would you plant them and see how big they can get before winter? Just chuck them out? Treat them like a potted plant until they completely overgrow?
Re: What would you do with pumpkin SEEDLINGS in Fall?