Hi All, hope you don't mind me butting in on your Board. I live in Pittsburgh and am driving to Denver with my mother. We will be spending about 24 hours in St. Louis. I posted this on the Travel Board, but annek wisely suggested that I post on this Board.
So, any thoughts on things to see and do? Both people who responded to my post on Travel suggested heading out for Italian on The Hill. Any specific restaurant recommendations there?
Also, I'm thinking about staying at the Hampton by the Arch. It seems to have decent reviews. I'd like to stay somewhere with a view of the Arch. Is that hotel OK or would you recommend another?
Looking forward to visiting your city. TIA!
Re: Need St. Louis recs, please
Check out the St. Louis Originals.
All the places listed there are St. Louis places that promise to use local produce and supplies. ?My favorite places in St. Louis are all on that list.?