So today our water got shut off. Just saw a JEA truck parked in front of our building (no biggie), and then my washer wouldn't start. Tried a bath faucet, and whaddya' know? No water.
So I call to report the outage, and am told that our service was never transferred (from the last week in July!). So I ask how have I been getting water for 60 days now? She then asks me how it got turned back on, because supposedly the technician turned it off back in August. As if I know where the fluck the darn thing is, much less how to turn it on! I tell her I've had no interruption in service since moving in, and finally have to ask for a supervisor because she's just unwilling to do anything but figure out how it got turned back on.
I am put on hold, and magically, she's figured it all out. Apparently, it was a "computer error" and they've now fixed it. But I'm just supposed to deal with it and now get a 60 day water/sewer bill with no reparations from them! She finally agrees to refund the $10 transfer fee (gee, thanks).
I know they're not popular to begin with, and their rates are ridiculous, but JEA is amazingly incompetent even among utility companies!
On a side note, what do you ladies keep your thermostats on? Our bills have been ridiculous, and while I know this place isn't very energy efficient, $350-400 for 1650 sq ft seems stupid, even for July/August!
Re: I hate JEA
Even with a $400 reclaimed water (sprinklers) bill, our entire JEA bill was $583.
I think that's true of any utilities/service type company. We periodically turn on the TV to find that Comcast has randomly turned one or more of our services off, despite our paying on time every month. Then it takes 2 hours on the phone to find out that someone coded our package wrong, or that the computer randomly deleted it, or that they turned the wrong account off, or whatever whatever. It's ludicrous. I think this happens at least every 3 months if not 2.
Last time they turned HBO and our HD off, then when we called they said we hadn't been paying for HBO, which was the whole reason we called last time, to turn HBO on. Supposedly the service person then turned it on but didn't bill us for it? We were like, and how are we supposed to know you weren't billing it? For all we know, the package we have includes it, and you're just SAYING that you would normally line item it.
*eye roll*
Anyway, to answer your last question, I keep my house at 76 during the day and 74 at night, 78 if we're out of town.
we keep our AC at 80 when we're not home, and 76 when we are. I'll say, we saw a pretty nice drop in our bill after we replaced our old AC unit.
ETA: Our last bill was $140, and I think last year we were around $220. It's FPL though, not JEA.
My Ovulation Chart
I like FPL so much more than JEA.
This is why I'm glad I don't live in the city (have GRU). Since I'm in Alachua we have our own electric company and I keep my thermostat exactly as you do. We have a 1400 sqft apt and our bill is about $150 each month. Anytime we have an issue with anything they get to it right away and we are usually only on the phone for about 20 mins.
I'm glad you said that about Comcast. We noticed we had lost our HD the other day, and were wondering if we were losing our minds, because we were SURE we paid for that service.
"My 101 List - Updating asap, I swear!
We had been keeping our thermostat at 74. Unfortunately that makes one side of my house very cold, and the other side tolerable. The cold side is the den and kitchen, not the bedrooms.
Our house is 1365 sq ft. Last month, the bill was $370. This includes the water/sewer and electric.
How is it that my BABY is going to be 3?
BFP-2/25/11; 8 Wk U/S-3/25/11-No HB, measured 6.5 wks; D&C
Ditto this!!! Our house is 1699 square feet, and we've never (so far) had a bill from JEA over about $190. Our thermostat has settings for morning, daytime, evening, and night. I think our settings for this time of the year are somewhere around 78 for morning, 83 for daytime, 76 for evening, and down to 73ish at night.
I'm going to stop complaining about our bills now. We have Clay Electric, not JEA, but our house is just ove 3000 sq. ft. and the highest our bill has been this summer is just over $300. We keep the AC at 75ish all the time. (I randomly turn it up to 78ish during the day sometimes because I get cold though.)
Our highest bill was in January, it was $644, but it was after that long span of absolutely ridiculous cold temps.