I cant go back to work until work has special pages filled out from the doc. I dropped the paperwork off at the docs on Friday and was told that they should have them for me today, Monday. Usually it takes 7-10 business days to get the paperwork filled out. Mind you that I pay $30 everytime the doc has to fill out any type of forms for me.
I call today and was told that no they arent filled out yet and that it takes 7-10 days. The doc is in on Wed so maybe they will be done then.
I call work and tell them what is happening. The manager isnt too happy but she has to have the paperwork before I can back to work. My paperwork has to evaluated to make sure I am able to do my job.
Also, Prudential called and asked when the doc said I could return to work. The date that I am able to return to work per the doctor is today, Monday. So, my short term disability is based on when that doc says I can go back to work. But I cant go back to work until work has paperwork from the doc in 7-10 business days. I will have no STD payment this week because I can offically go back to work today, but work wont let me until I have more paperwork saying I can.
I am pissed! I just wanna go back to work. How many hoops do I have to jump through? I just feel like I am getting screwed and I dont like it!
Re: So not starting work tomorrow
Thats bull! Can't anyone else at your doctor's office fill out the forms? That would make me SO angry!
The doc has to actually sign the papers. I totally understand. I guess I am more annoyed at work, because they expect me to be able to get paperwork filled out and turned in in just a few days. It is unrealistic. My manager never mentioned that I would need extra paperwork, I thought I just needed a note saying I can return to work and with what restrictions.