Last night we had to do a lengthy worksheet, study questions, listen to 4 lectures, and watch a video. Tonight I went to class all morning, went to work until 9, then came home and listened to four more lectures, filled out a super long worksheet, did some readings and study questions and I am just now getting ready for bed to be back up for class at 9.
I am
1) So glad that I quit my job and am finishing my last few days
2) Annoyed that they didn't give us more information before the program began so I could have read/worked ahead. I am not a fan of little sleep. I don't do all night study sessions and it would have been nice to have more than 12 hours notice to complete assignments
3) Not going to be on here that much these next few weeks.
Nothing seems hard yet, the work is just very time consuming and I am not used to having graded homework.
I hope you ladies are doing wel!
Re: 2 days into school and I am already swamped!