Hello Nesties! I am new to the G&T Board and I could really use some help!
I'm thinking about getting an iphone but a friend told me that you cannot access Outlook on the iphone without a Microsoft Exchange server. We no longer run on Exchange; my office moved to save money and we access our email through POP/SMTP mail.
Can you get emails on the iphone using POP/SMTP?
If I chose to access email through a web address would it be easy to read? (There's no flash...it's very plain)
I need to be able to access work email on my phone. If I cannot then the iphone won't be an option. I may have to settle for an ipod touch (i want the apps and I need an MP3 player : p )
I hope I was clear...thanks in advance ladies!
Re: Accessing POP Mail on the iphone?
By just taking a quick browse through the Apple Support site it looks like you can most certainly set up a POP/SMTP account on an iPhone. It would appear that it might not support push (so that you're notified as soon as you receive a new e-mail) but you can set it up to "fetch" new e-mails on a regular basis.
Also, any time I've gone into GMail through my browser instead of through my Mail app, it's been completely fine to read, mind you, GMail has a mobile device page, but zooming in to read sites that don't automatically scale to the page is never an issue.
We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
It's funny that you mention that...my "little brother" has a iphone and I was able to access the email through the website. The font was so small though! I didn't know it was possible to zoom in! I guess it might work after all! Maybe the next time I'm at the mall I'll go into the Apple store and see if someone would be able to walk me through it on a floor model. I just don't want to get it and find out I can't use it.
Thanks for your help! : )