Last week some of us Chicago Nesties got together for brunch. There was sentiment that we should do brunch on a regular basis. Given this, I will be organizing brunches every other month either on Saturdays or Sundays (maybe the first weekend of the month). All brunches will be in Chicago and the next brunch outing will be in November. I will not be opening this up to other Nesties after our November outing in order to keep the group consistent so we can build friendships. I will keep a list of all emails and email everyone for each outing.
If you didn?t attend last week?s brunch and are interested in being part of this Chicago Nestie Brunch Group please message me your name and email address. You may also include a brunch place you would like to try.
To message me, at the bottom of my post you will see "Contact". If you click this, the option to send me a "private message" is provided. This will provide a form to send me a message. Please use this if you are interested in being part of this group and don?t want to publically display your email.