Looks like I am miscarrying. Again.
Since I had a miscarriage in April, the doctor wanted to monitor me more closely. Initially my hcg levels looked ok. She wanted me to have an ultrasound around 6 weeks, which was last week. At the ultrasound, the tech measured the sac at around 4 weeks and didn't see anything inside.
So, my doctor wanted more hcg levels, which are still going up, but not as much as she'd like to see. So, my first appointment was today, and she did another ultrasound. Sac is now measuring 6 weeks, but there still isn't anything inside (I should be 8 weeks tomorrow).
So, she diagnosed me with a blighted ovum. D&C scheduled for Tuesday.
She did say that usually they don't do testing until 3 miscarriages, but she is suspicious because of my family history (my sister has had mult miscarriages). So, I will start some testing after I get my first period.,,
Re: Well ladies....
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I am so so sorry to hear that. T&Ps for you and your hubby.
this...thinking of you!
<a href="http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/wayfastwhitegirl/?action=view
oh I am so sorry (((hugs))) I hope you get some answers
You may what to try out some homeopathic remedies, different herbs and stuff to see if that helps if they won't do anything until after 3