Orange County Nesties
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Re: Happy Friday!
Today hubs is out with his buds so I'm alone (wheee!) catching up on Glee, Grey's Anatomy, My Generation, Private Practice and various Oprah episodes I've missed this week. I know fuvking exciting huh? I'm a party animal. Honestly though, I'm totally looking forward to it.
Sat: 11 mile run with my bestie 23 days to Nike.
In the evening I have my friends wedding reception to attend. (She had a destination wedding so her reception is tomorrow)
Sun: Morning brunch for my friend's b day. There are mimosas in my future.

I'm kid free this weekend so my only plans so far are gym, gym, gym, reading, catching up on TV, watch some football, clean house.
Tonight: Order in and catch up on the DVR
Saturday: Workout in the am and then go to Venice with a couple of girlfriends
Sunday: Going to Bucco for my nephews Bday!
Tonight: shopping & watching tv.
Tomorrow: pilates, mani/pedi & birthday party for the neighbor's kid.
Sunday: hopefully brunch w/ friends.
Happy Friday!
Tonight: Doctors appt then dinner with my sister
Sat: Movie, errands, relaxing at home
Sun: 8 mile run, shopping
We're two weeks out from the wedding so this weekend is little details and what not like finishing up our canopy, securing his attire, etc. Sunday we have a neighborhood birthday party to go to with a taco cart (yum!).
Socializing foster puppies since 2009
Chart for TTC#2 - BFP 6.10.12, m/c 6.17.12 @ 4w3d ? BFP 7.14.12, EDD 3.27.13
Beta @ 15DPO: 441, P: 15.1 ? 19DPO: 2,784 ? 26DPO: 28,886 ? U/S 8/2: One happy HB!
Elective U/S @ 15w5d - it's a BOY! Confirmed at 19w6d. ?
Woot Friday!
H is Arizona-bound for his 20-year reunion (it's one of those moments where I'm like, "Wow, you ARE older than me.") so I'm fancy free through Saturday, most likely.
Tonight I'll watch my girly shows on my DVR: Project Runway, ANTM, and Parenthood. Maybe I'll sneak in some Gilmore Girls. And have a martini. WOOOOOO CRAZY!
Tomorrow: gym, clean.
Sunday: ?? H will be home, and I should plan something. I have been so busy lately we have not had much couple time, and he let me know yesterday. I feel like a _shitty wife right now, so I will probably have to make amends.
steak and a BJ. just sayin'.
sorry, yahpee - it's been a crazy morning! thanks for picking up the slack today.
I met an old coworker for lunch earlier, went and got some blood drawn, too. I think we're relaxing the rest of the weekend. we are such party animals I can hardly stand it.
Tonight: CrossFit workout. 5th day in a row of intense workouts & I'm so not motivated for it tonight. It's Friday and it's too hot. [insert violins]
Tomorrow: volunteer, eyelash ext touch-up appt, mani/ped appt, friends over for dinner.
Sunday: Sleep the F in, boring Sunday errands.
Hey what is CrossFit about? I've heard the name a lot lately!
Happy Friday!
Tonight: soccer scrimmage, pizza + beer w/the team
Tomorrow: 12 mile run, lots of house projects, birthday fun for a friend
Sun: hopefully Sunday funday
Yay for the weekend!
No big plans. Hubs has been working a lot of weekends lately, and he actually has this weekend off, so I'm pretty excited. :-) I think we're planning on taking the kid to Disneyland, yay!
Nothing breeds faster than Crazy
It's crossed my mind...and I do make a mean filet
or you could pretend you have a headache and just make him cookies.
Tonight- Date night with the hubby! I think we are going to JACKshrimp
Tomorrow- early morning work
Then go see Wall Street and go to a Thai restaurant in Thai town
Sunday- SLEEP IN! Clean the house/laundry/ grocery shopping
Have a good weekend everybody!