New Hampshire Nesties
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What's everyone up to this weekend?
I'm off tomorrow and have to get my car inspected. We were planning on going to the Deerfield fair but the weather says heavy rain...rain and fairs don't mix! Going to my cousins wedding Saturday morning at 9:30, reception is at Gibet (sp?) Hill Farm in Groton. Has anyone been there?
Re: Weekend Plans
The Gibbett Hill Grill is amazing! We love that place. DH's cousin works there setting up and cleaning up for functions.
We have a wedding this weekend as well. We're up in ME, though. Hoping the weather is nice because it's outside.
On Sunday we might head over to Acadia Park (near Bar Harbor) and go biking. We'll see. :-)
Tonight, I plan on drinking heavily- a good friend of mine called to tell me she's pregnant, and while I'm very happy for her, the 8 months that my husband and I have been trying weigh heavily. Don't judge
My best friend's mother gave us a 20lb turkey (extras from the company giveaways), so we are cooking that on Sunday afternoon for about 10 friends.. very excited for that.
Don't worry, I know it can be hard. My bf was trying for a few months and her H's friends were all getting knocked up with there girlfriends...typical no jobs still living with there parents. It was frustrating for her knowing they wanted it, both had jobs, a house etc etc.
Though H and I aren't at the point of trying yet (waiting till after our Italy trip this spring) I get a bit jealous every time I find out someone else is pg.
Have fun, drinking heavily tends to be my answer for everything bad in the world!!
Tomorrow we're deep cleaning the house - I'm no neat freak, but even I can't stand it right now
Then we're having dinner at an old coworker's, I'm sooooo excited. She has 3 older kids so we haven't caught up in awhile. Sunday we're headed to the fair and our ILs are randomly breezing through town (they live in NY) so we'll do dinner with them.
Hi again,
funny, my husband and I got married at The Barn at Gibbett Hill. It was an amazing venue, and they did a remarkable job. The restaurant is fabulous too, went back for our 1 year anniversary back in December 2007.
Hope you had a good time!