Our little girl is here! Born September 24th, weighed 6 pounds 6 oz. She's gorgeous and so kissable!! Her name is Charlotte Elizabeth, middle name is after my grandmother who I adore. I was admitted to the hospital Thursday for low fluid and since I was 40 weeks to the day, they decided to monitor me and induce the next day. We started Pitocin at 10 am Friday and my water broke at 10:30. My contractions started coming fast and furious right away. Within about 30 minutes I got my epidural (bless modern medicine!). They told my hubby to run and get some lunch and let our dogs out since it would be a while. In the meantime they checked me and I was 5cm. Within 45 minutes I was 10 cm and ready to push but my hubby was still home. Poor guy was about 20 minutes away from missing her birth!! He rushed back just in time 10 good pushes and a little help from a vacuum (her heart rate dropped a little lower then the doctor liked) and she was here!
But the only problem is we are dealing with a terrible gas or colic issue now. The past few days we have at least one 3 hour crying fit each day/evening. Last night we actually went to the ER to rule out any real medical issues. They said she is perfectly healthy and we should talk to her doctor about changing bottles or formula (I'm pumping and feeding formula for the time being). My hubby and I are out of ideas as to what might help her. We changed her bottles to Dr. Brown's as of today but right now we are on hour 2 of solid crying. We have tried the over the lap burp, deep shoulder burp, forearm burp, pacifier, swing, car rides, rocking, walking, anything we can think of. Anyone have any advice?
Re: Baby is here! Any advice for colic and gas?
congratulations!!!! pics please
when dominic was little, we switched to enfamil gentle formula (well, we used the target or walmart brand which are exactly the same thing) and we had to feed 1/2 oz at a time and burp after each. man it was a pain but it helped a ton.he had really horrible gas for the first 4 months or so.we did start using baby's bliss gripe water (which saved my entire life and i love it) when he was a little bit older, like 2 weeks. i got it at sprouts or sunflower market.
are you sure it's gas? newborns just kinda like to cry sometimes. have you read or watched the video 'the happiest baby on the block'? i rented the dvd from the library and it really helped dominic with his little fits. basically you swaddle up your baby tight and snug, hold them on their side in your arms, shhhhhh them in their ear louder than their cry, and swaying them back and forth. if she takes a paci, give that. if not, you can see if she'll suck on your finger. the loud noises and swaying remind them of being in your belly and it calms them down.
we got a sound machine and cranked that thing up as loud as it would go, and it helped a ton with the colic and also his sleeping.
Congrats! and pics please.
So you are pumping but feeding formula? Why are you doing it that way, just curious?
The only bottles we could use were the Avent bottles.
How does she sleep during the day? Lucy would only stay up no more than 40 min from wake up to back down for a nap, if she got overtired that's what our night was like.
Also some babies have a witching hour, Lucy did in the early evening time so that could be part of it.
You can get the Colic calm (that is the only brand that is actually homeopathic and won't have other stuff in it) or I think Hyland's makes a colic tablet, their teething stuff is great.
Can you put her in a moby so she is snuggled up close to you?
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I don't have any personal experience with colic obviously but my baby sister was pretty bad as a newborn. Definitely check out the Hyland's colic tabs as someone else said.
And I know it sounds strange and may be a little controversial as far as adjusting babies but research chiropractic. It is the only thing that completely stopped her colic, she got adjusted and was fine after that. Just a thought, good luck.
Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Charlotte!
Congratulations! I love the name Charlotte, my niece was colic and my sister used Grip water and that worked wonders for Kaycee. She would give it to her after her bottle before the crying usually started and it would most time eliminate it completely but there were a few time i believe that she would still cry or be fussy but not as bad. The doctor also did tell her that it doesn't work for everyone but that it would be worth a try to see.
oh yes DEF try the chiro, we took Lucy, He won't adjust Charlotte if she doesn't need it but he will do a newborn exam.
This guy is AMAZING loves adjusting babies
Thanks ladies, I'll try anything at this point and I'm going to look into all your suggestions. It's always nice to know you aren't the only one going through things like this.
Yes, we are supplementing formula. Her latch was awesome but her pull was way too strong for me and I spent each feeding in tears and dreaded the next one. I have terribly sensitive skin and nipples and the lactation nurse said I wasn't doing her any good if I was so stressed and in pain. The pumping is going well and I'm just trying to get my supply up.
ack what a bummer!After a few weeks give it another go round that way your nips will probably be a little better from the pumping. Or try feeding her a little milk then letting her nurse then she won't be so ravenous.
I remember those days.
Have you tried using a nipple shield? I know some people are against them and say it decreases your supply, but it helped me out tremendously! They make a contact shield so it only covers half of your boob so your DD will still have some skin to skin contact. For me it was amazing and after about 4 months (I know it was a long time) everything finally started to work out and DS didn't need to use it anymore. They are only $7 at Target, BRU and BBB.
And congrats on your little one! I agree with all the PPs and you should post pictures. We love little babies over here!
My Mom was a nutritionist with WIC for many years and she suggests watching your own diet, especially dairy. Charlotte eats whatever you eat and she may be slightly sensitive to cow's milk right now. So maybe try cutting dairy out of your diet if you drink a lot of it. Another problem could be the formula. Babies are very rarely allergic to mother's milk but they can have problems with certain ingredients in some formulas. Maybe slowly switch over to a sensitive stomach formula or try switching over to breastmilk completely.
And yes, yes, yes on the chiropractor! Every newborn should go to see one. Birth can be very traumatic on them, both vaginal and c-section (do you see how doctor's grab them to pull them out?). I was a very sick child due to a problem with my spine that prevented my brain from draining fluid properly that probably was the result of birth trauma, and that could have been prevented if I had been seen by a chiropractor shortly after birth. Most babies don't encounter anything that serious, but it also can't hurt them at all!
That our chiropractor! How funny.
I know I am SUPER late on this but DEF. take her to the chiro! You'd be amazed! I agree with another poster that every newborn should see one with all the pulling the Dr's do when they come out.