Would anyone be interested in making a Spark People team out of the Skinny B's?? I joined a sparkpeople team before my wedding (thru my local know board), and really liked it. It really helped me stay on track with my goals.
It's also great for support, and provides all kind of tracking tools for you meals, workouts, etc. You can pretty much do as much or as little as you want to with it. I just figured since everyone kind of has different goals, this might be a good thing....
If you've never seen it before, check out the site at:
Anyway, I'm not offended if no one is interested, just thought I'd throw it out there!
Oh yeah, and I'm taking an off day today - my sinuses are killing me and I feel like crapola!! Happy Hump Day!!!
Re: Skinny B's - question for you....
Katie - it is super user friendly, and fun! I'll look in to starting a team!
I think a team would be great. Keep me posted I def need the motivation and someone/team to keep me on track!!!
I'm already a memeber of Sparkpeople, yet I NEVER use it. So maybe this will get me motivated.
So count me in too.