This city totally rapes its residents on water and sewage bills. Can someone explain to me why my "customer charge" (ie the cost just to have a monthly water service) is more than the amount I pay for my actual water usage each month? And, I also have to pay and extra $50/quarter to the city for my water to go down the drain (NOT INCLUDING TRASH SERVICE)??
I'm not a first time homeowner. In the city we just moved from my water bill was about equal to what I pay now, usually a little less BUT it included the sewer and trash AND the customer charge was like $10/mo, not 40 AND my house was 4 times as big. These prices are seriously outrageous. Am I alone here? Are my bills being calcuated incorrectly?
ETA: I'm billed quarterly but even when comparing on a month-to-month basis, I just don't understand how my 625 sq ft house can cost as much to supply water/sewer/trash to as my 2600 sq ft one.
Re: OK who's in Davenport? Seriously ridiculous bills
Not in Davenport, but, call me crazy... wouldn't your water usage be the same, reguardless of the size of house? 3 people use the toilet, washer, sink, and showers the same amount. I don't know what the size of house has to do with it.
I know it's the weekend, so no one at the city is going to be able to answer any phone calls (but I would ask next week).
My town is a little crazy too... there is a minimum charge each bill. We've had months where the usage was less than the minimum charge. Bah humbug. Already complained, nothing I can do about that.
I also think water/sewer is the most overpriced utility. People always said water is cheap... um... where?