Today I read an ad in the Waterbury Record.... Johnson College is
looking for babies under 3 months for a study of laughing babies.
Email or call 802-635-1427. Earn up to $155.
**Side note... I emailed Gina and this is what she sent back to me:
The purpose of the study is to explore how babies
discover "funniness", meaning we are trying to find out how babies
figure out what is amusing and when they begin trying to amuse others.
The study involves completing questionnaires when your baby is 3 months
old (i.e., now) and six months old. It also involves 10 minute
videotaping of your baby playing with you at home to try to catch the
baby in the act of laughing. Videotaping sessions occur at your
convenience when the baby is 3 mos, 4 mos, 5 mos, and 6 mos old. We
will also give you a digital voice recorder (an easy-to-use gadget that
is smaller than an ipod), and ask you to provide brief descriptions of
events that make your baby laugh (i.e., this is an easy way of keeping
a journal of your baby's humor development, and it is something you can
do as it happens and in your own time). There is a final follow-up
visit at one year.
Moms are compensated between $25 and $40 at each visit for a total of $155 for the entire study.
I am going to do it