HA! So I decided to buy some Almond Milk for the first time, and not knowing anything about the stuff, I went to the store. Mistake #1. Then I had some trouble finding just the plain stuff, nothing flavored or sweetend too much, however, I ended up with what looked like a good choice. I get to another aisle in the store and find more choices, and decide to go with the store brand instead because its organic. I was so happy to get the organic version, I didn't look at the label. Mistake #2.
Long story short, I get this stuff home, and it is AMAZING, like the most delicious drink EVER made. I go on for two days in absolute bliss, when I remember I haven't even looked at the label....FAIL. The second ingredient on the list is Evaporated Cane Juice. That explains why it tastes so good, it's mostly water and sugar, followed in a measely third by the actual almonds. Then there is this painfull list of 3 or 4 crap chemicals that I can't pronounce. I can't believe I let myself get sucked in that way!
All of that to say: Can you recommend a brand/type of non dairy milk? TIA!
Re: It's been awhile since I posted, but I'm back...and PISSED
I like Pacific Natural Food's Organic Almond milk (specifically the "Unsweetened Vanilla" variety). It tastes great. Just pulled a box out of the fridge to give you a run-down on the ingredients: filtered water, organic almonds, organic rice starch, organic vanilla, sea salt, natural flavor (whatever that means), carrageenan (its a seaweed extract used for thickening), ribolfavin, vit a palmitate, vit d2.
It's one of the only almond milks in my area that doesn't have sugar added to it.