I will be hosting our next Chicago Nestie Book Club meeting on Thursday, December 9th at 7pm.
The book we will be reading is ?Saving CeeCee Honeycutt? by Beth Hoffman.
Link for book info: http://www.amazon.com/Saving-CeeCee-Honeycutt-Beth-Hoffman/dp/0143118579/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1287159145&sr=1-1
If you are not currently a member of the book club and would like to join please send me a private message with your name and email address.
An Evite will be sent to the book club about 2 weeks before to confirm attendance.
Please note that the host will provide snacks and attendies BYOB.
Hope to see you in December and that the book is enjoyable.
To message me, at the bottom of my post you will see "Contact". If you click this, the option to send me a "private message" is provided. This will provide a form to send me a message. Please use this if you are interested in being part of this group and don?t want to publically display your email.
Re: Book Club - December 2010