As you all may know SIL is an idiot. One of DH's step-sisters had a breakdown a couple of years ago. She was hospitalized for a few months, but has been doing well since then. She is on meds, knows her condition, and has been out in the world. She still can't work, but she has been able to at least participate in family events. There is also a history of alzheimers and other mental illness in sMIL's family.
So last night the idiot posted on FB:
I "love" how some people claim to be taking "crazy" meds, & yet it's simply an excuse for poor judgement & bad behavior. If you were truly crazy, #1 you wouldnt know it, & #2 you would be institutionalized! Learn to take responsibility for yourself!
Other step-sister replies:
REALLY!!!!! Wow maybe you need to get to know your "family" Mrs lastname.I think this is a case of open mouth insert foot!!!
Idiot's retort:
My comment wasn't intended to offend those with true mental illness, my comment was directed @ individuals who claimto be "crazy" and pass thier bad judgement & poor behavior of on thier so called "craziness" I have never, nor would I insinuate that mental illness was a joke. Possibly my wording was inaccurate, or maybe this comment was taken out of context. If you or anyone else was offended, I apologize.
FIL is already not a fan of idiot. I don't think this is going to go over well. Not to mention that idiot has a son who has been hospitalized for mental illness, is on meds, and they have had to call the cops on for serious outbursts.
Re: FB drama last night
At least she lives up to her name.