How's it going with you? Hopefully it's been smooth sailing for you.
Finally had my NT scan this morning. Finally got confirmation that something is indeed going on in there. The peanut looks great, nice heartbeat (165 BPM). It waved at us in the beginning, and towards the end it must have gotten sick of being looked at, because it actually turned it's back to us! I'm measuring two days ahead, but the tech said that was no biggie, and my due date would stay the same. I was amazed how much they could zoom in on eveything, I was afraid I wouldn't be able too see too much, but I could see everything. Did you ever see the episode of Friends when Rachel is PG and is the only one who can't see the baby on the u/s? That's all I could think of last night, I would be the one who couldn't see the baby. We got some nice pics and DH took them to work with him. He called me as I was getting back to work and told me that upon seeing the pictures all of his co-workers already have a bet/pool going that it's going to be a boy.
I'm starting to show a little bit, mostly because my upper abdomin (above my belly button) is WAY bloated, it's litetraly twice the size of my lower abdomin. I think a few more people at work are starting to notice. In the past two weeks more people have been asking me how I've been feeling. They never ask me how I'm feeling, only how I'm doing in general. Also, a few people who never really even talk or interact with me have made a point to say hello in the halls or smile at me. I think I will tell more people now that I have comfirmation that everything is well.
Still get queasy at dinner, but that's about it these days. Hope all is well with you!
Re: MrsA2Be
I am glad to hear that you finally got to see and "verify" your little bean! I totally know that episode of Friends and I was worried too. But, like you, it was really clear to me that it was my baby!
I hope the queasiness subsides - it has for me and now I feel like an eating machine - making up for all of those weeks puking like a supermodel...!
My update (since there are already 17 views, I figure everyone can get the update...):
Things have not gone smoothly for us so far. We found out last week that I had a higher than average chance of Baby A having Down's - even for my age, I was higher than the other 36 y/o moms. So, we had to go down for a test in Boston on Tuesday. Preliminary results showed no chromosomal issues with Baby A. But, in the midst of this, we found out that my placenta is too small - like on a scale of 1-200 with 100 being the mean size for my gestational age - baby's placenta is a 23. So, we now have to monitor that. And then I've had this rash since 9/4 and it turns out that it's Lupus that was triggered by the pregnancy. So, that adds another complication to the pregnancy.
The good news is that Baby A is doing very well in there. She is growing at exactly the right rate for her age and her heartbeat is strong.
Anyway - we have a great team that is watching over us, so I feel better about that. I just wish that we had more of a "normal" pregnancy going on.
Thanks for checking in!
Wow Kristin, I'm sorry to hear that, it sounds really tough. I'll be thinking of you guys...try to hang in there. ((HUGS)).
KC (I'll probably always call you that)
I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts. Glad to hear you are eating again.
hey Kristin, sorry to hear that you have had a bumpy road so far, but it sounds like you are working with some fantastic doctors and that Baby A is doing well. I will keep your growing family in my thoughts and prayers! HUGS!!!
Mike'sbride (sorry that I am totally blanking on your real name!)- Glad to hear that you're just quesy at dinner and that things are going well. Seeing the baby always makes the pregnancy so much more real.
Kristen- Lots of prayers going your way that things keep calm over the next few months. I noticed that you said "she"- have you been able to find out the sex early? I'm secretly hoping for a little Anna Maria for you; my Anna Marie loves her name