Hey all!
I haven't been on here much because I am still on maternity leave. I love being home and am kind of dreading going back to work (I have 6 weeks left).
Anyway, I have started school again though, so I am out once a week for 7.5 hours at night. We introduced Joaquin to a bottle at 6 weeks and he took it no problem. We decided not to use a bottle every day though since we wanted to build my milk supply and we've really only been giving it to him when I'm out at school and 2 occasions when we've gone out.
He started out without problems, but he's been eating less and less every week. Yesterday for class he decided to go on hunger strike and didn't eat anything for all 7.5 hours. Should we be doing something different? Maybe giving him a bottle even if I'm here?
Re: Newly rejecting the bottle?
We had this very same issue with Ella when she started daycare. Her pedi insisted that we not change anything. She did mention that I should never give Ella a bottle while I'm still breastfeeding because Ella might decide she doesn't want the breast. (I guess this confuses little ones)
Ella went a few days with eating only 2-4 ounces while at daycare but within a few days, started drinking from the bottle.
My girls still go on temporary hunger strikes, so I'm thinking that Joaquin is going thru a phase. I agree with Lisa, about YOU not giving the baby a bottle. The bottle is your opportunity to have your DH or someone else feed him...did that make sense. Also to avoid confusion on the BFing part.
Babies will definitely tell you when they are hungry and they will certainly eat when they are ready. If all else in your routine has NOT changed, then I would suggest that you monitor him and observe his temperature, temperment/mood, diapers (to make sure he's not fending off a cold or virus). Again, I think it's a phase and hope it passes quickly.
Be well Mama! HTH
Mine is not so optimistic. ?I was doing like you, giving a bottle when we were out, or if I just couldn't whip out the breast. ?He was fine, until he reached 3 months old! ?He refused it, and would rather starve and put himself to sleep instead of eating from the bottle. ?He never took a bottle again after that. ?He did however start sippy cups @ 9 mos.
Sorry I don't have any optimistic words for you.?