I've had a 3GS for 16 months, and DH finally decided he wanted an iPhone, so we added him to my plan, and we decided that a basic 3GS would be fine for him. (just needs a phone, basic internet / check mail, never really texts, etc).
A friend (who has gotten every new version of iPhone and his iPad all on their release days... throws money at the stuff like it's candy) made a comment on FB of "Why would you get a 3GS when they'll be obsolete next year?"
Any insight as whether he's just being snobby or do I really have a $100 soon-to-be paperweight that can't make phone calls that i'll be locked into without an upgrade for 2 years?
Re: iPhone 3GS - mistake??
We bought the 3 G when it was obsolete (a little over 2 yrs ago) and dh still has his (i got the upgrade to the 4). In 2 yrs when the contract is up the 3gs will still be supported. Of course it won't have all the bells and whistles that the 4 does.
Just as an fyi dh's co worker still has the original iphone and it still works just fine.
When the contract is up just upgrade to the newest Iphone that's out.
Just in MHO I would have spent the money and gotten the 4. We didn't spent the extra and get the 3gs when we got ours but I wish that we had.
Kristi and Kerry June 21,2008
Honestly, I am not a big fan of the iPhone 4g.
I have the 3gs and DH has 4g, after getting rid of his 3g when it was due for upgrade.
The big difference I NOTICE, the 4g has the forward facing camera for "Face Time." Which I don't give a rats as5 about.
The 4g actually has a few problems. I only know my husband and one of my close friends has the 4g. The proximity sensor doesn't work that well on the 4g, thus both of them end up muting their end of the conversation, pressing buttons to beep in my ear, accidentally getting hung up, for example.
The 3gs is running the operating system that the 4g has, so the apps and such are all exactly the same. There is literally nothing different software-wise (so far as I understand it) from the 3gs and the 4g. That is also what makes these phones so nice...they get upgraded via iTunes often so even though your hardware might be a little more dated, the phone functions as if its the brand new one. Just minus a forward facing camera.
The 3g may not run all the 4g applications...and doesn't have a stupid compass, but its still ridiculously similar.
Furbabies Ribby, JJ, Bella, Hunter
I have the 3G- not even the 3Gs. I love my phone, but the older it becomes, the less functional it is. Many of my apps run super slow lately, even freezing up and shutting down, because Apple has made a big push in their software toward supporting the 4g. This has caused the 3G and 3Gs to get a bit neglected. However, it is still basically functional and I find it to be superior to non-smart phones, hands down.
When my contract is up I will definitely upgrade, but you should be fine until then.
The Out-Of-Date Bio | The Blog I've Started Updating Again
Henri and Charlotte, Christmas 2012
Snobby. Your phone is not obsolete, the OS is the same as the 4. The face time [which only runs on wifi btw unless you dl a fix], camera, and screen resolution are the biggest changes...and those aren't applicable for the needs of your H it seems. Besides, they made such a mistake on some of the hardware that they are delaying the the white version till spring which doesn't matter anyway since a newer iPhone will be out during summer. You don't seem inclined to upgrade unless you have to so I would wait until they come out with something that affects what apps you can download, quality of calls, ect. Don't regret your purchase bc of their silly comment. Buy what you want
PS. Other post is right...iPhone does NOT run on 4g. Well, until the other carriers start selling their version.