DH and I are thinking of possibly buying a house in May. ?I'm trying to do all my research and get everything lined up so that we are ready to make a purchase if we decide to. ?
We are interested in living in either Shawnee, Prairie Village, or Mission. ?What I want to know is why or why not, did you like your realtor? ?Were they helpful? ?Did they answer all your questions and show you only what you wanted to see? ?Were they pushy? ?Also DH and I are well, young, (23) so I am looking for someone who wouldn't be put off by working with young first-time homebuyers who are somewhat (but not completely!) clueless on the process. ?Ok not clueless, but I'm going to have a TON of questions.
Thanks for your help!?
Re: tell me about your realtor...
Hey there!
I am a full-time realtor w/ Prudential. I know there are a few on this board who would love to help you and your husband. I am very familiar with first time buyers as I work with quite a few. I'd be happy to sit down with both of you and walk through the process to prepare you. It's never too early to start! We also have an amazing website to help you start looking and just familiarize you with the different areas you are looking in. The site is concurrent w/ MLS and allows to save several searches so you don't have to recreate the wheel everytime you go online to look. It will even update you when houses come on the market in your search areas, change price, etc.
Shoot me an email if your interested in chatting or getting set up on the site: christian at prukc dot com
website: www.rickandsusanbowers.com
Cheers! Christian
Our realtor was excellent!
We were in your situation- young first time home buyers- and she did an exceptional job of talking us through the process and making sure we understood everything. She listened to what we wanted, found us a house the first night we looked, and got us a STEAL on it. She loves bargains! Prior to becoming a realtor, she worked at a college (which is how I first met her) and as a result, she has worked with many young clients. She is based out of the northland, but I know she has experience in the area you are looking, as one of my friends used her to buy a house.
Her name is Kathy Sheppard Haug
Sorry, I can't help cause our realtor was in Manhattan, but you are absolutely correct in looking for a wonderful realtor-it will make your entire experience, especially in this economy.
I can tell you that the whole process is very confusing, and it really helped when DH and I found a book that was something like the Idiot's guide to home buying (that wasn't what it was, but it was similar). This helped a ton-it runs through all the lingo and terms so that when your realtor uses them it's not the first time you've heard it, and to me it made it much less confusing. It will also give you things to look for, things to ask, etc. Good luck!
Ditto. When we bought our first house, the realtor we had was horrible. She convinced us that we didn't need a sewer inspection and 7 months later, we were stuck with a huge plumbing bill because of tree roots she said we couldn't get because there were no trees in our back yard! Good luck with your endeavor!?
TTC Baby #2 - BFP on 12/14/11 @ 10DPO - CP confirmed 12/18/11
BFP #2 on 1/13/12
I work at Re/Max in Prairie Village and we have MANY great agents with lots of experience in this area. My broker David Costello works with his mother Sally and I hear compliments all the time from clients coming in and out of our office. They have been in real estate for a long time and know exactly what they are doing and how to get you the best deal. I am also an agent but just obtained my license so I am answering you honestly by saying, as a first time home buyer, you want someone who knows exactly what is going on... I had a terrible 1st time buying experience working with a FSBO and we didn't have a realtor either..needless to say, THAT is why I got into real estate. Anyway, our office is right on 75th St and close to State Line. David's email is dcostello@remax.net and Sally's is scostello@remax.net. Let them know Jessica referred you if you choose to contact them.
Hi there! I'm posting a little late, but I only get on this site about once or twice a month! A BIG Thanks to MelZul for recommending me! I did help her & her husband purchase a home a few years back on the MO side. I do office out of Olathe, but have my license in both KS & MO. So I am very familiar with the areas you listed, prairie village, shawnee. Have you thought of Roeland Park? It's still Johnson County & you get a little more house (square footage) for your money than you would in Prairie Village. And it's just to the North of PV/Mission!
Anyways, I'd love the chance to work with you & your hubby when the times right. So if your interviewing potential realtors, please put me on the short list! I do work full time at real estate and I am on a team. I've personally been in the business 4 years now & my partner 25 years. So we have a lot of experience combined together! I also tend to work with a lot of first time buyers. I don't plan it that way, it just seems to happen! I like to think of myself as young still too! So I have helped a lot of our friends purchase their first house! It's a great experience & pleasure in knowing your helping someone! Feel free to e-mail me when you get a chance jLennon@kw.com