My babe is quickly outgrowing our newborn CDs and covers.
Has anyone used the knit wool covers? Right now I am using a variety of bummis and other rubberized covers, but I'm looking for something a little less bulky this time around. In between uses I rinse them out and air dry, and throw them in the wash whenever I'm doing a load.
I was reading you just air dry the wool covers between uses and wash with a detergent that doesn't remove grease every few weeks. Do they get gross or stinky between washes? Is it a pain to wash them when you do?
Anything else you like or don't like about them?
Thanks a million for your input.
Re: thirsties/wool CD covers?
I thought of another (stupid) question.
You can wear them under clothes, right? And they wick the moisture away from the clothes?