I just got mine a couple days ago and I really like it. I have a couple questions that I could probably just ask a guy at Verizon, but I don't feel like waiting in line for 3 hours.
I switched from a
blackberry curve, so I'm use to the closing apps thing. But, the guy at
verizon downloaded "advanced task killer" and told me to go to it a few
times to close apps out. I do this, and a few things stay open. Like a
blackberry, that's normal, right? But what I don't understand is it's
things like "amazon mp3" and "voice search" and complete random things
that I don't even use or opened. What's an easy way to understand this
task killer?
Also, how do I delete apps that are on my phone that I don't want? Like the amazon mp3, stocks, fm radio, peep, etc.
And lastly, my weather location on my main screen won't stay where I want it to. It'll either pick up a city nearby where I live, or it will just say "current location" and not show me any weather.
Also, is your battery really bad? Mine won't last all day.
Re: to anyone who has the Droid Incredible
Task Killer - delete the "Advanced Task Killer" app and download "Task Manager" by Adao Team. When my DH got his Incredible he had the Advanced Task Killer on his phone and was still having battery issues. Took it to Verizon and the guy put Task Manager on the phone instead and it seems to work pretty well. Sometimes you have to push "kill apps" a couple times to get everything to close.
Deleting Apps - some apps that are pre-installed on your phone cannot be deleted. But here's how you delete an app: Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > click the All tab at the top then just scroll thru and select the one that you want to try to delete. If it can be deleted the Uninstall button will be able to be selected
Weather - from what I know, the weather that shows up on your homepage will always change depending on your location. If you click on the weather and open up the app, you can add a location. This, from what I've seen, is the only way to always have a specific location's weather...but you'll have to open the app everytime you want to see that particular location.
Battery - continue with the Task Manager, that will definitely help. Also, your battery life will be drained depending on how many apps you have snycing to your phone. You can adjust how often/which apps/etc are sync'd by going to Menu > Settings > Accounts & Snyc. If you use email, facebook or any other syncing app, just go into the settings of that app and adjust how often it syncs.
Hope this helps! I love my Incredible