Ladies: If you have already had your baby and are looking to get back in shape then "After Baby Boot Camp" (ABBC) is the place to be.
Our first class takes place this Thursday at The Goddard School in Westerville III - 4160 Executive Parkway from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. You can bring your baby to be included in the workouts or not if you prefer.
I am also trying to start a morning class in Gahanna so please let me know if you are interested.
ABBC will combine cardio with strength training exercises, balance, core and flexibility to give you total body conditioning. We will sweat, lunge, squat and lose weight and body fat so that you will look and feel the best you can! It will be fun and energizing and you will meet new moms as well.
What could be better?
Let me help you get motivated and started so that you will be healthy and fit! I am a certified personal training who specialilzes in women's fitness. I also have pre/post natal exercise and nutrition certifications. I also offer personal training for individuals and/or small groups so please get in touch with me. I am here to help you to "move with a purpose".
If you are pregnant and want to get motivated and need an extra push and direction in terms of exercise, I can help you too!
Visit or email me at
All my best,
Nancy Eisenman