Did you know I had a baby?
Okay, seriously...thank you for all of the well wishes. It was quite the adventure with this kiddo! Long story short, I went in Saturday morning to be induced at 6 a.m. and around 9 a.m. they gave me a tablet to get my cervix to open a little more (it was a 1 at that time). After a few hours, the nurse checked and said I was ready for pitocin. I last with that for about two hours before I asked for an epidural (never had one with Maddy and MAN...that drug was amazing!).
Then the fun began. At 6 p.m., Paul wasn't feeling well. A combo of no sleep the night before and the excitement of the day gave him a really upset stomach and he couldn't sleep at all in the hospital. I told him to go home and take a nap. He wanted to find out from the nurse how long she thought it might be before I started to push. She checked and I was at a 4. She said that the "general rule" is 1 centimeter for every hour after 4, so I again told Paul to go home and go to bed and he could come back later. The nurses changed shifts, Paul went home, I settled in to watch "Con Air".
Yeah, later was pretty soon. At 7:15, I thought I had peed myself after Zach hiccuped. I called the nurse and said that I wasn't sure, but I THOUGHT that my water broke. Yup, and I was at a 5. I asked if she thought I should call my hubs and she said that personally she would, considering this was a second baby and they tend to come fast. I felt bad calling him and waking him up, but I told him that he might want to consider coming back. He asked his Mom to pick him up and take him there because he was so exhausted (and no, Shannon...she wasn't in there before, during or after delivery....it was quite awhile after delivery that she came in hehe).
Literally minutes later I felt a lot of pressure and when my nurse came in to check on me, I told her I thought I had to go to the bathroom. Nope...that was Zach moving FAST. She immediately asked where Paul was, I said I didn't know, and I called him. She told him to drive safe, but he really needed to be there quickly. I remember crying and telling him to hurry up, and he kept saying to "hold on, don't push" and I kept saying, "I HAVE TO!!" Lol.
Paul arrived just in time. I pushed for 10 minutes and out he came! He cried for a very short time and then that was it for the entire night. He was very happy, very alert, and quiet. He did sleep for long periods of time the first night, and that was fine. We got a lot of compliments about how "perfectly shaped" his head was, how alert he was, how handsome he was, etc. And I know I'm biased, but I think he's just the most adorable little thing And somehow we got one of the two "suites" in the hospital as well after delivery. Pretty cool.
And yes, that was the short version. We just got home. He's sleeping in his swing after a long day of mean nurses and doctors poking him with needles and getting a circumcision I'll post pics later.
Re: So, what's everyone been up to lately?
He is adorable. I can't wait to see him. I am glad to hear your labor went well and as planned.
Hope you are able to get some rest. How is Maddy doing with her new baby brother?
Scheduled IVF for April 2013--SURPRISE, don't need it! EDD 9/6/13
Steph Im so happy for you. He is absolutely adorable.
I held my breath reading - WHEW he made it. Im so glad it all went so well. AND sorry LeeAnn but Im glad you won that bet. .
Hows Maddy doing with her little brother? Has Paul come back to earth yet? I know he must be on cloud 9.
Congrats to you all.
Get some rest.
Congrats Hun!
Nothing Going on Here Except Work & Un-Fun Stuff!
Hope to Meet Mr. Zach soon!
Paul scared the hell out of the two nurses in the room with me because he literally slammed the door open, all out of breath. Poor guy. I kept calling and calling asking him where he was because honestly, an epidural DOES NOT take the pain away of you needing to push. It was pretty intense.
Since Friday night, I've had a total of about 3 hours of sleep (honestly). I was just so keyed up and nervous that I couldn't sleep at all on Saturday (or going into Sunday morning when we moving to the recovery room) and then yesterday was just as bad. I stayed up with Zach almost all night last night because he was wanting to pretty much be cuddled and talked to. I figured that Paul was the one who needed to drive, I wouldn't sleep well anyways, so I just stayed up. I should have tried to sleep when I got home...nope, not yet.
At the moment, Zach is sleeping in his Rain Forest swing. Getting ready to post the pics...
Oh my goodness!! Congratulations!! He's a beautiful baby boy, that's for sure! Glad to hear that Paul was able to make it to the hospital in time for the delivery! That was close!
I haven't been on The Nest lately, and I'm so glad I checked it out today so I'm in the loop with what is going on.
Congratulations again!! This is SUCH great news! I'm so glad everything went well with the delivery and that your family is all doing well!