I just spoke to Allison about an hour ago. Since she still was not progressing at all the dr gave her 2 options: 1 - stop the pitocin, try the cervadil again tonight and then give the pitocin another try tomorrow (for those of you who aren't moms or PG - cervadil helps "ripen" your cervix and pitocin causes you to have contractions - both things you need to have a baby....) OR 2 - go for a c-section. She's going for option #1, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and hope it works, I know she's not crazy about the idea of a c-section.
Good news is, her anniversary is tomorrow, so her baby's birthday will be on her anniversary!
Re: Ally update...
Tell her I am thinking of her!!!
keep me posted!!!
Thanks so much for the update. I hope that she progresses along, I'm sure it's pretty frustrating. Baby just doesn't want to come out yet, LOL.
That's awesome that her anniversary is her baby's bday. Tell her we're thinking of her.
:: sending hugs ::
thinking of her and hoping all goes well.
She is in my thoughts. I hope the rest of her delivery goes smoothly!
How special it is to have a baby on your anniversary!