Hey, just a reminder or to inform you guys who don't know since the end of the tax season is coming up...
Here in AZ you can donate up to $200/person to the different schools, churches and other such facilities in the area and it counts towards your state taxes. You can tell that facility what you want your money to be used for. It counts towards what you would have to pay for your state taxes for the year. So if you have to pay more, the first $200 is already taken care of through your donation and you pay the remainder. If you owe less than $200, the remainder rolls over and counts towards your next years taxes.
Since a lot of you have kids or are related to kids, it's a good way to direct your money towards the schools they attend or will be attending. (Especially since we all have heard about how AZ contributes the least amount towards their schools in the nation!!!)
For instance, I don't have any kids, but I'm highly involved with a volunteer organization in my town. So I go down to the high school I graduated from and I donate my $200 to the high school version of my volunteer club. But you could say you wanted it used towards the library, or computers, sports or the band... whatever you like!
Hope that helps someone out there!
Re: Tell the state of AZ where to stick it (taxes)
Thanks for posting this for others to see. We have met our $400 limit for the year with sports and my son going to Catelina Island in the Spring but you are right, it is a GREAT way to spend $200 (or $400 if you are married).
Most of my son's school programs are funded by this donation and I know the kids really appreciate it...
I LOVE this tax deduction, it's a great way to donate to a cause (like schools, crisis shelters, non-profits, churches, etc) and get 100% of it back in taxes.
I used to work for a non-profit crisis shelter for kids in Mesa that lives for these donations so I always donate to this. Many don't realize that it exist so thanks for posting about it.