Did anyone hear about this? anyone that likes to shop at the Farmer's Market should be worried.
Senator Harry Reid, who I personally consider to be one of the most corrupt and repugnant human beings to have ever set foot on the US Senate floor, is of course pushing hard for passage of this bill. He uses claims like "No one should have to worry if their salad or sandwich is going to kill them" but conveniently forgets that if the bill passes, people will have to worry about their own government imprisoning them for selling raw milk, seed sprouts, or garden vegetables to their local neighbors and friends.
Re: S510 -- Food safety Bill
Thanks for bringing this up. I found out about this yesterday from a post on the politics and current events board. It took me a while to find a reputable place online to get the facts about the bill. After reading it, I don't think the average family garden will be impacted, I am more worried about monsanto and agribusiness with the law on their side going after the small farmers . The agriculture industry has to foot the bill for the new oversight and regulation that would be put into place which sounds appropiate but this unfairly involves the small scale/farmers market type farmer. Under this new bill, all food that is produced is supposed to be able to be tracked so they are able to find the sources of outbreaks faster.
I am just worried about the small farmers being able to compete and stay afloat with the new regulations and fees they have to pay. Especially since they aren't the people to blame for all the food safety issues that have been going on. I have already written my senators about the issue, but I guess we will have to see what happens!
I called my senator today about this bill and one of his aids told me he is supporting an amendment that will protect small farmers and local gardens, I'm concerned that he still voting yes before the amendment is added though...
I am concerned about the small farmers as well, I don't think that the government is on their side (because small farmers aren't the ones putting money in politician's pockets).
As far as I know, most of the points of concern have been removed, or amended to allow for small producers, organics, states rights, etc.
Go actually read the bill. I haven't read it in a month or two, but last I did, I wasn't really worried. I'm not on board with making our government responsible for our food safety, but I'm not worried their taking away my rights to use small producers via this bill.