I really want to work at a hospital or facility where I can do 3/12 shift. ?I would rather work a little longer and have more days off to be with Jacob.?
DH is a firefighter so he only works like 3 days per week too, more if he picks up overtime. ?SO if I can work something out to work on his off days we don't need to worry about child care. ?I think 4/10 would be OK too, it would just be really hard to do the 5/8. ?I have to volunteer at Jacob's school a certain amount of hours every 6 weeks, and I really hate asking for time off.
I know starting out being the low man on the totem pole I will have to make some sacrifices. ?My end goal of where to work (dept) not sure. ?I really enjoyed L&D and postpartum, but then I also liked the ICU. ?I spent most of my time in med surg, that was ok too.
The unfortunate thing is around here I haven't seen any opening for LVNs at hospitals. ?I am willing to go as far as Kaiser Sunset or Children's hospital (they are both close to where I went to school and know some short cuts to get there) or in to the valley. ?On of the nurses in the ER @ ?mission hospital,where DH takes some patients, said she is interested in me, but DH said not to work there, they don't pay that well. ?I told DH I may look into a place called totally kids in sun valley, it is a pediatric sub acute. ?I did a rotation there. ?At first it was hard seeing almost all the little ones on feeding tubes and vents but I kind of got used to it knowing that you are actually helping them. ?They offer 3/12 and the starting pay is pretty good. ?I saw some ads for working in the prisons, they pay pretty well, but I don't know much about them, or looking at county, hopefully at county or up at the county facility in the valley.
I live in north east pasadena close to the sierra madre / arcadia border, so I don't really want to venture too far from home.
One of my instructors gave me the number of a registry who said they would hire her students so ?am going to check them out as well.
DO you think it is worth it to start putting out feelers not even having my results yet, or should I wait?
Thins kind of stuff is new to me. ?I was in the fashion industry since I was 21 (I left in '05) and there you apply for a job and they will offer it to you right there if they like you, no reference check or anything.?
I will be applying to RN schools as soon as I get my license, I have been checking around and since I have all my pre-req's I only need like 2 semesters 1 theory 1 clinical each. ?My DH knows a dean of something over at valley college he said he will give him a call to see if he can help me out or something.?
Thanks for letting me chat to you. I was browsing yesterday on the job websites and it just seems so overwhelming.?
Re: Emily - kind of long
Have you tried City of Hope, Shelley?
I work at COH, and we hire LVNs for various schedules.
If you see anything that works for you, let me know.
My neighbor's mentioned that to me, her daughter works there too. ?I want to keep all of my options open.
I know I saw some openings for LVNs on UCLA's job website recently. We don't use too many LVNs in pediatrics---but I saw several listed.
I am pretty familiar with Totally Kids. We have a lot of patients admitted to UCLA from there. I don't know much about the facility, but it is a place where great staff is definitely needed!
Good luck with your search. I would definitely be looking now. I know at UCLA they hired new grad nurses and they can work without even having taken their NCLEX yet (on supervision/orientation).
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