So, DH and I go to a church where all regular attenders and members have a mailbox. It's a big church, so generally this is the most efficient way of getting people things-saving the church money on postage. Well, Christmas time is upon us, and this brings up a couple questions for me.
DH and I want to give Christmas cards to several families at church that we are close to, but obviously not everyone at the church will get a card from us. Is it okay to put them in their church mailbox instead of mailing them to their house? We have a church directory, so it is possible to get their home addresses, this would just save time and postage. I would still put their names on them, just no stamp and no address.
If we do put them in their church mailboxes, when should we do this? I'm hoping to mail out the ones going out of town in the next week or so, but wasn't sure when to put them in the mailboxes for church.
I asked several people at church what most people do, and they said that either they didn't know because they were knew since last Christmas also or they couldn't remember.
Any help would be appreciated!
Re: Church mailboxes and Christmas cards?
Personally? I would mail them the old-fashioned way. Stamps are cheap, and you avoid any potential awkward situation like:
(At church, checking the box) "Oh look at this beautiful card we got from the Joneses!" (Shows card to some other random person)
"We didn't get one. Hmph."
Plus it's just more personal and shows you did take the time to think of them rather than dropping off a card at church like an afterthought. Just IMHO.
I agree with this. It might be more trouble then it's worth.
Also, I know the mail boxes at our church are for church notifications and handouts only. They don't want others putting extra stuff in them, mostly so others don't start spamming the boxes. If you have something you want the whole congregation to know about they have a weekly newsletter they put in there.
Thanks guys! I didn't really think about the showing it to other people thing. Like I said, this is our first time going to a church who has mailboxes for it's people. It also makes more sense to mail them now that you guys pointed out that it's more personal, and to me Christmas cards should be personal.
On a side note, ours are for both church use and member-to-member communication. Especially between people that attend different services (our services are about 1 1/2 hours apart due to Sunday School). I've never gotten spam in it, but I have had people that I was borrowing something from (like a necklace or something small) text me and tell me they put it in my mailbox. Or if I needed to get something to someone but kept missing them in church, I would just drop it in their mailbox.
i mail them to church friends... if i was giving to all/most people at church i'd put in the mailboxes (some people do this at our church)... but since i only give to a few i mail them --- i'd feel strange if people were showing off the photo card of our kids to someone next to them who didn't get one, ya know?