can you all suggest the best place to put up an ad for a car for sale? It's an suv actually.
We are in the middle of a really bad situation..with an eviction notice. It's the first time this has happened to us..I put several of our furniture and decor items on craiglist but now hub says we should sell our Tahoe. If anyone is interested, they are under BIG FURNITURE SALE under Houston/furniture/ or Houston/household. We are willing to downgrade to a smaller car to be able to keep peace of mind with our rent for now.
Let me know..the paper? craiglist? Any local papers? Any local places that buy cars? Back home we had several lots that would buy without the "trade in " condition.
Re: Hi everyone-
Contact Catholoic Charities in the morning, I know they will help with rent since you have an eviction notice:
I volunteered when I was in college with an organization on the north side that would provide it, but I am spacing on the name. I tried Googling it, but there are so many rental assistance scams out there.
I used Auto Trader to sell our car, but places like Carmax and Texas Auto Direct will buy your car without trading it in. Also, John Clay Wolfe is a radio host who provides an estimate for selling your car and then guarantees the price at a few local dealerships. I listen to his show on Saturday mornings and his pricing is fair.
Good luck~
So Tasty, So Yummy
Thank you Pagas and duchess..
I've written down Auto Traders as well for my morning calls.
I will contact Catholic Charities as well.I'm trying Salvation Army too. When you haven't ever been in a situation like is soo humbling..and you feel so lost cause you don't know where to turn for this. So thank you thank you thank you for guiding me in the right direction.
I will keep ya posted.
The last thing we want to do is leave Prlnd when we've only just arrived.
I was going to post last night but my stinkin' iPod wouldn't let me.
Craigslist is an option, but it probably wouldn't be as fast as you'd need. I would definitely go to CarMax if I were you.
Good luck. I'm so sorry about your situation. I hope you hang around here, these ladies are very supportive.
First off, I am sorry you are faced with this situation. I have heard great things about Texas Direct Auto so I would definitely look into that.
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Ditto. We sold two cars to them 1.5 years ago. We could have got maybe a few hundred more by selling on craigslist, but I think it was worth not having to deal with the hassle of people coming to see the cars, and handling the transaciton ourselves. They were very easy to work with.
The Money Matters board is really supportive and has great advice, so you might want to also post over there for money saving ideas, things to sell, ways to cut back, etc.
Best of luck, money issues are so stressful. Lots of T&P's and HUGS!!!
Ditto what everyone else has said about Texas Direct Auto and Carmax. we actually used Carmax since the TDA offer was $200 more and we were already at Carmax but both places made fabulous offers for our car.
Also I'm going to send you a PM in just a bit so look for that ;-)
Thoughts and Prayers going your way. I haven't used any of the methods above except for CarMax and since you are looking for a smaller car too then that might be a great option.
IDK your situation, but if you are looking for employment - let us know what kind of work you are looking for (or even what your spouse may be looking for) and maybe someone might have an idea of who's hiring.
As one pp said, stick around - we are great group of ladies that are always willing to help each other in some way.
Like everyone else said: Texas Direct Auto and Carmax are both supposed to be great for that. Some car dealers are looking to buy cars too, but I think you'll get a better deal at the first two.
And I do understand the stress. We haven't made it to eviction possibilities yet, but we're certainly killing our e-fund. We're exceedingly lucky we have family who can let us live with them in a guest house, otherwise we'd be in super serious trouble in the next couple of months.
thank you! My hub went to Texas Direct Auto now so we will see what happens. He's going to Car Max after them. I believe CarMax told him the appraisal was good for 7 days. all are very supportive. I really do appreciate it. It's awesome that I can come here for suggestions. Thank you!
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.
The type of work I'm looking for is clerical/administrative..I do have my certification for teaching but they are not currently hiring as far as I've been told. My hub's background is in sales but is willing to go in to pretty much anything that doesn't involve straight commission.
((almond)) TY!
you didn't already send that pm right? I just checked and none from you were there.
just wondering. no
I did send it but under an old PM that I'd sent you. Check the previous ones. I believe the subject is, "Hi" :-)
email me at mrs_faz @ (no spaces), I might have something!
If you and/or your husband are open to temp work, I can recommend 2 very good local agencies. I temped for a long time and find local agencies are much better to work with than national/franchises
Primary Services- I worked in the field and in their offices
Ask for Laurie or Natalie
Burnett Staffing
I had a lot of success temping and was offered several jobs at great companies. I literally started stuffing envelopes at an oil company one day. My willingness to do whatever and be flexible ended up moving me to top of the list for all the best jobs, so don't pass something up just because it seems "eh." You never know what door it could open!
Good luck to you. I've never been evicted but pretty damn close and it is a scary place to be in. I hope you guys are able to rally and get through this tough time. HUGS!
my photography blog
Thank you! I'm signed up with Meador Staffing and two others..they're bookmarked on my computer.. can't remember the name right now. But I will call these two you mentioned to me in the morning. Yes we are open to temp work. Like you, we are willing to start at the bottom and work our way up. I mentioned this to someone..that Richard and I are not pretentious at all..regardless of what degrees, experience, or background we come from..I am willing to take anything right now for my boys and to prevent this eviction. Thank you so much for all the info! I really do appreciate it.
TY! I don't have medical experience but I'd be willing to learn so I will look them up too!