Despite being attacked by cabbage loopers, today I noticed little broccoli heads forming! Woooo Hooooo!!! I was so excited that I yelled "I HAVE BROCCOLI!!" My raised bed is under my H's office window, so when I went indoors to tell him, he says "So I heard!" And he laughed at me.
Status on my other fall veggies:
Turnips are growing well. They still aren't ready to be harvested, but I think in another two weeks I should be able to harvest some of those greens. My hope is that the greens will be ready by Christmas.
Collards are growing soooooo slooooowwwwww. One plot doesn't get enough sun, so I think that's the problem there, but I'm not sure why the other plot in the sun isn't growing faster.
Spinach - slow growing as well.
Romaine - Super slow. I think it may be too cool for the Romaine. It grew much better during the spring. I may need to plant it earlier. But, I also used starter plants this spring. The fall Romaine was started from seed.
Snap Peas - Growing up the tomato cage just fine. No pods yet.
Anyone else want to share your fall veggie updates?
Re: Fall Veggie Update
My broccoli, red cabbage and swiss chard are all growing well. Peas are okay...they've been attacked by the bunnies.
Onions are going strong.