after another two nighter in the hospital. Yup, that's right. I've been at St. Joe's since Tuesday night. Just got home this afternoon.
(btw, nice to meet you, ChefSarah. Sorry I was too stoned out on my muscle relaxers to recognize you in the first place. Did you love my unshowered hair or what?)
I spent my entire time there and was not transferred, which made me very happy. Basically, over the past week and a half, I have literally met every MD in my practice except one (whom I've seen before anyway). Yesterday, the OB on call sat down and had a great little pow wow with me to help me understand what was going on and what to expect, which was wonderful. The lowdown on the showdown is that i'm now considered a high risk patient by my ob office, so all the OBs sat down yesterday morning and had a meeting about me to come up with a plan of action as far as how to treat me going forward and keep each other updated on what was going on with me. I have to say I felt very well taken care of ( a nice change from my stint up in Lebanon this past weekend, thankfully). I will be going to the OB 2x a week for checkups and biophysical profiling until such a time as they decide it is no longer necessary. They performed a fetal fibrosomething test that basically said I was not going to deliver in the next two weeks, which is good news, so we are hopeful that I will get to 34 weeks, if not longer.
The lingering issue is that I keep contracting. If this was my first child, they would just let me go. But the issue and concern is that I have a previous c-section. While the risk of uterine rupture is small, contracting for weeks at a time at the frequency I am doing is just not a desirable thing. They aren't concerned about Molly, she's doing really well aside from a few random decels on Tuesday evening that raised a tiny flag, but they resolved themselves. They happened during the hardest (and most scary) of my contrax during this hospital stay.
So, I am home now with a script for the Nifedipene (I prob. butchered the spelling there). I'm taking it on an as needed basis, but no more frequently than every 6 hours. Hopefully, I will be able to get these contractions under control and stay out of the hospital for the next few weeks. I am feeling confident with the plan that the office has put together for me, so please keep your fingers crossed for me that this works out!
Miss Molly is a bad girl. As you can see from my new siggie, she's a little sassypants and decided to stick her tongue out at us during an ultrasound this week. She's wicked grounded when she comes out. That's all I'm saying. (in actuality, it's nasty, but she's licking her umbilical cord. who does that?)
Re: back again...
Yuck!!! ?Glad you're home, and I hope the drugs kick in and you get get a little more comfortable for a few weeks. ?That's crazy that they have a little time machine procedure that can say you will not deliver in the next 2 weeks, though.....
Does the umbilical cord taste like Quizno's? ?; )
So glad you're home again. ?I was thinking of you. ?((hugs))?
Wow, I am constantly amazed by the technology hospitals have these days! While your situation is far from ideal I am glad to hear you are being cared for in such a wonderful way.
Hang in there!
I'm glad the doctors all seem so involved with your care now - with them all keeping up to date on you, any doctor that you see should be well informed of your situation and will know the best thing to do for you and Molly.
LOL @ Molly, what a silly girl!
May 2014 November Siggy Challenge
The Griswold’s Christmas Vacation
Heather I just love reading your posts. Your positive spin on what could potentially be a stressful situation is amazing. I am glad to hear there is a great plan in place for you and you are being so well taken care of. Hopefully Molly will cooperate and the contrax will be under control for a while now. Hell, if that cord does in fact taste like Quiznos why in the world would she want to leave anyway?
Keep us upadated! I love that U/S pic.
Heather, I was wondering where you were, I was just too lazy to post. I am glad everyhting is relatively ok, and that you have a wonderful team of docs on your side. Do you know at what point your more local hospital can handle a little one on the NICU? As PP have said you do have an amazing sense of humor through all of this and seem to be pulling through so strongly! Love the U/S picture, priceless!
Thanks, Chrissy. I'm already putting the U/S pic in her baby book, along with all my posts printed out so she knows my guilt trips are based on truth.
St. Joe's can handle a baby from 34 weeks on. So I have a hair under 3 weeks to bake her before I would be able to stay there. I have my fingers crossed.
On a positive note, after this whole experience...I already really liked my practice, and loved my specific OB. But after this, I really, really love it. I've had a nice opportunity to actually sit down personally with every single doctor in it. Although there is one I don't really care for, he won't be practicing OB after November and will be moving to GYN only, so it's a win/win situation for me. I especially love one of their newest hires to replace a doctor who left this year, she is phenomenal.
I find myself actually reconsidering my scheduled C if I make it that far. Lots to think about. My main reason for scheduling the c in the first place was my preference for my regular OB (who was going on vacation) considering the risks involved with VBAC. I no longer feel worried about the capability of the others to handle the risk- I feel so much more secure with all of them now.
I do believe everything always happens for a reason. Maybe Molly has just been stirring up trouble because she wanted to come out the regular way. I don't know. That's a bit of a stretch. I have a lot of thinking to do.